English directer Roger Christian (Nostradamus) created his hypnotic, subtly powerful telepathic horror drama The Sender in 1982 to depressingly little fanfare. While critically well-received and championed by a variety of critics including Leonard Maltin and Mick Martin and Marsha Porter, the film was a box office failure in its day due to its slow-building nature and low-key style, but there are nonetheless a few jarring shock scenes (including … [Read more...]
Roger Christian’s The Sender (1982): Visions of Violence
English directer Roger Christian (Nostradamus) created his hypnotic, subtly powerful telepathic horror drama The Sender in 1982 to depressingly little fanfare. While critically well-received and championed by a variety of critics including Leonard Maltin and Mick Martin and Marsha Porter, the film was a box office failure in its day due to its slow-building nature and low-key style, but there are nonetheless a few jarring shock scenes (including … [Read more...]