Lesson 2 - Action!Hi boys 'n girls! This here is the second installment of free film school. In this lesson, we're going to deal with what is probably the single most important thing to making you a successful filmmaker; actually getting off of your duff, picking up a camera and just doing it!Matter of fact, if you already have a camera of some sort, why don't you take a little break and go out and shoot something. Go ahead! I'll still be here … [Read more...]
World Class Free Film School – Lesson 1 – Sign Zee Papers!
Welcome to World Class Free Film School!In the following series of articles of we will impart the hard-won knowledge that we have gained as successful independent digital filmmakers. And (drumroll puh-leaze!) we will do this for FREE!Now, why would we do such a thing for free? Well, because we're sweethearts. Because we love you and want you to succeed in this sometimes tricky and crazy thing called The Film Industry.Now, there are many fine … [Read more...]