Did you know that most progressive law firms use powerful software authoring tools to automate the arduous task of contract drafting?Would you like to save time, money, and aggravation by using similar tools to draft your own marketing contracts?Here's how you can do it.New Automated Contract Drafting ToolsIn the past, most entrepreneurs readily accepted the notion that fitting a contract to their business needs required an attorney to draft from … [Read more...]
Business Law – Drafting Legal Contracts
by New York Public Library The whole point of writing a contract is to offer protection between you and the person that you are making the contract with. It is thus very important that the contract is written well and in effect water tight so you will be fully protected should anything go wrong.As for small businesses, you may not have the time or money to be able to get a solicitor to draw up a contract for you every time you need one. … [Read more...]