by SMU Central University Libraries Article by Christopher Kinnard Putting up a business is an effective way for you to earn money. Although it can be fulfilling, it can possibly include a few possible risks. For instance, starting a corporation in the course of difficult economic times most likely is not great. This will likely result in considerable losses particularly when you are putting … [Read more...]
Two Great Reasons to Have an Operating Agreement Form
If you're in a limited liability company, it is probably best that you employ the idea of preparing an operating agreement form for your company. These forms will supply your company with the protection they need against certain personal liability matters. It is also one of the best ways of preventing many legal problems and disputes that could come about in business. There are two major reasons that all LLC companies in commercial real estate … [Read more...]
Startup Law 101 Series – Mistakes Founders Make – Misusing Form Contracts
by Cornell University Library Ours is an era in which legal forms proliferate and many entrepreneurs are tempted to use them without much thought given to customizing them for the specifics of their deal.This is a mistake.The unthinking use of legal templates assumes that the law is a mechanical process, as capable of simplification as is the process of selling widgets. The thinking goes something like this: You find a widget on the web. … [Read more...]
Free Legal Forms Online – How To Compare Legal Form Websites
Article by Nicholas Martinez The key to finding free legal forms online is understanding the fact that most of these sites say they do not cost anything but once you look closer you realize, there are only a certain amount of no cost documents. If you are lucky you may stumble across the exact product you need without having to pay for it. But if you are like most people, a small amount of … [Read more...]
Free Legal Forms Online – How To Compare Legal Form Websites
The key to finding free legal forms online is understanding the fact that most of these sites say they do not cost anything but once you look closer you realize, there are only a certain amount of no cost documents. If you are lucky you may stumble across the exact product you need without having to pay for it. But if you are like most people, a small amount of money is going to have to be spent for quality sake. Here are some of the best "free" … [Read more...]
What Points Need to Be Included in a Rental Agreement Form?
by The Library of Congress These days, putting a residential property on rent is getting increasingly popular. This would help you in earning additional income. However, while renting out our property, the landlords tend to neglect some necessary steps and this leads to unwanted situation for both the tenant and the landlord. In the absence of proper documentation, the property which has been rented out enters into a dispute over various … [Read more...]
TV 2.0 – The Future Of Television And The Genesis Of A New Entertainment Form – Part 2
Though still in its infancy, the World Wide Web has already become a significant feature in all of our lives. The majority of us now access the Web throughout the day, both at work and at home. It's profoundly altered the way we conduct business, and how we communicate with family and friends. It's also changed how we entertain ourselves, but this paradigm shift has only just begun. As I wrote in the conclusion of Part 1 of this article, the Web … [Read more...]
Residential Lease Agreement Form – Making Sure Your Form Contains Everything it Needs
by National Library of Scotland When you get ready to rent your property out to tenants it is important to be careful about the lease form that you use. Buying a lease form at your local office store can be a big mistake simply because such forms rarely have all the important information on them that is necessary to ensure that all your bases are covered. These forms are usually quite generic and do not cover all of the import parts of your … [Read more...]
Writing a Room Rental Agreement Form
by Cornell University Library With a receding economy and financial crisis looming over, many people are letting out a room of their house to earn some extra money. With many families venturing out for this extra income it has become a useful mean in increasing the income. But in this pursuit of money making many people ignore some important aspects in letting out a room to strangers and invite unwanted troubles that often results in the … [Read more...]
Startup Law 101 Series – Mistakes Founders Make – Misusing Form Contracts
by National Library of Scotland Ours is an era in which legal forms proliferate and many entrepreneurs are tempted to use them without much thought given to customizing them for the specifics of their deal. This is a mistake. The unthinking use of legal templates assumes that the law is a mechanical process, as capable of simplification as is the process of selling widgets. The thinking goes something like this: You find a widget on the web. … [Read more...]