As an independent film producer, part of your job is cutting expenses. Can you get away with two days at that location instead of five? Can you get by with fewer production assistants? But there are some costs a filmmaker just can't afford to cut, and film production insurance is one of those costs.Actually, producers don't just need a single type of insurance. They need several kinds of insurance because each policy covers a different aspect … [Read more...]
Filmmaker Fundamentals – An Independent Film Producer’s Guide to Writing a Business Plan
When it comes to the practical aspects of filmmaking, ranging from camera selection to mastering editing systems, independent film producers seem ready to rise to every challenge. But tell one of these folks they have to come up with a business plan and find investors to support their film and you'll find most looking for a stage door to exit. Why? Because if indie producers liked asking permission to do something or taking orders from others . . … [Read more...]