by State Library of New South Wales collection Your company may be at risk of significant financial loss and legal problems due to insufficient attention to contract management. Contracts are often involved when your company/organization purchases or sells goods and services, or enters into relationships with companies or individuals for a wide range of purposes. Most organizations can benefit from implementing better, consistent … [Read more...]
Seven Must Have Features of Contract Management Software
by National Library of Scotland Contract Management Software allows you to manage contracts, automate contract management and much more. However, the details involved within the varying contract management software solutions can become confusing. This article is dedicated to providing seven solid features you can and should expect before you spend any dime.Here is a list of features we will examine in this article:1. Contract … [Read more...]
Contract Management: Understanding The Product
by The U.S. National Archives Contract management, simply put, is the administration of different business agreements between your company and any other vendors that you may work with. It begins with a working agreement about what the completed project should look like. Then, as a contract administrator, you have to work backwards to sort out which materials, how much money, and how much time you will need to achieve that goal. Contract … [Read more...]