One of the many ways to distribute your film is to get it into an independent theatre. In order to do so, you will have to do some research work. First, find out more on the types of films each theatre shows. Check out their titles and the types of budgets these films have. It will give you a much better idea to see if your film has a chance to be shown here.Make a list of what theatres are in your area, most of these will be much smaller than … [Read more...]
How to Market Your Film Through Your Website
The internet has emerged as a major tool of sales and promotion in regard to a wide range of products and services. So, from diapers to old airbus; everything is available on the internet. So much so, that the internet plays a very crucial role in the overall commerce and economic scenario. As a matter of fact, there are a number of products, which are solely sold on the internet. These products owe their success to the internet.In the recent … [Read more...]
How to Market and Sell Your Movie
Over the past decade, everything has changed for the indie filmmaker. These days, there is no excuse not to make a feature film. But just as importantly, there is no excuse not to view your filmmaking as a business. That means, you not only have to focus on making the movie - but you really need to have a strategy for making money from your movie.Many filmmakers spend years making their first feature, only to have their hopes of prosperity … [Read more...]
Can Christian Film Reach a Secular Market?
Article by Cloud Ten Pictures One of the biggest obstacles for any filmmaker is finding an audience for their film. From the point a movie goes from screenplay to production, the story needs to be compelling enough for an audience to want to pay to see the film. While large studios can throw millions of dollars into marketing and exposing their film to the masses, this becomes a much more challenging process for the independent filmmaker. … [Read more...]