Lesson 2 - Action!Hi boys 'n girls! This here is the second installment of free film school. In this lesson, we're going to deal with what is probably the single most important thing to making you a successful filmmaker; actually getting off of your duff, picking up a camera and just doing it!Matter of fact, if you already have a camera of some sort, why don't you take a little break and go out and shoot something. Go ahead! I'll still be here … [Read more...]
Film School – Study And Enjoy Simultaneously!
by The Library of Virginia If you are someone who wants to become a filmmaker, film school should be a place of joy for you. Because it not only equips you with the basic film making skills, but it also serves to shape your passion. Besides, it gives you the thrust and direction to produce your own film with new and fresh ideas.There are several well reputed film schools in the country. Well, if California is always going to boast of … [Read more...]
Film School Secrets – The Sure Route to Failure
One of the things that burns me up to no end is the fact that so many students go to film school and pay untold amounts of money for classes so that they will be able to realize the dream of becoming a successful film producer. Despite this fact, only one percent of them will even get a chance to make any kind of full-length film let alone make a great career out of filmmaking.I think the fault lies with the way that the students are being taught … [Read more...]
Is Film School Worth It?
Article by Robert Levin As someone who's attended two of the top film schools in the world, NYU and USC, I often get asked a simple question: Is it worth going to film school? The answer actually can't be answered in a yes/no fashion as it really depends on multiple factors regarding the individual student considering attending and what they hope to get out of the experience. This article … [Read more...]
Online Film School – A Real Career for Less Time and Money
Studying at an online film school to get a working knowledge of filmmaking that leads to a career in the film industry is a real alternative today. The Internet offers many sites with free or low-cost training in all the fundamental skills required of a filmmaker. Today's low cost of filmmaking and editing equipment means that a student can afford to have access to the hardware necessary to make theatrical movies that previously was only … [Read more...]
Los Angeles Film School – Nurturing The Film Makers Of Tomorrow
by The Library of Virginia When it come to film making there are endless choices available, but one among them stands above all the rest - the Los Angeles Film School.Here you learn the art of filmmaking on the very practical front that is actually making your own films. Es, in the first week itself you are taught on handling a camera. By graduations, that is with in an year's span, you would have made several films all by yourself.If … [Read more...]
5 Tips to Finding the Right Film School
We all know there are a huge number of film schools located all over the country. There are also several colleges all over that have a film making program or teach some of the courses that are necessary to any budding filmmaker. It is important to get the most experience in this field to be successful. Choosing the right school to provide the film student's education is key to the success of that student. If you are interested in learning film … [Read more...]
How to Choose a Film School in 5 Easy Steps
1. What Kind of Filmmaker Are You?Filmmaking is a uniquely individual career. Some directors isolate themselves on set and communicate with the crew only through their assistant director. Others may walk through the set each morning and shake the hands of crewmembers while asking about their personal lives. Some cinematographers work with the same camera crew for their entire career and others love to mix it up.The point is, that your vision for … [Read more...]
What Can You Learn By Attending Film School?
There are advantages and disadvantages to attending conventional university film school programs. Some students claim that traditional film school courses focus almost entirely on filmmaking theory whereas many of the more contemporary film schools pay more attention on actually practicing the various skills of filmmaking.Also, many of the newer film schools offer condensed courses on fundamental filmmaking processes and procedures such as … [Read more...]
How to Pick the Right Film School for You
Article by Manohar Chimmani "Acting: An art which consists of keeping the audience from coughing." - Ralph Richardson***Picking a film school can be a very hard decision, and since movie making is always very expensive, not a cheap decision either.If you've clicked on this article title link and you're a budding filmmaker, chances are you want to go to school for it, if you're not already … [Read more...]