by ritwikdey Question by Apoc: How can documentaries be more fun? Most people think documentaries are boring. Let's face it, if they see one on TV they're prone to switching the channel to something more ______ (don't exactly know what the word is). Question is, do you have any ideas on how documentaries can be made more interesting and engaging? Best answer: Answer by Dale CouetThe Voice of the person who does the documentary has a hilarious … [Read more...]
Hockey is more than a game in Hetz household
Hockey is more than a game in Hetz household Hockey is a tradition forged over time and passed down from generation to generation. One local family's history with hockey began with relocation and a couple of boards being nailed together. read more » Read more on Pine Creek Journal On Tonight: Inside the Afghan War It was a year ago this week that Marine troops were dropped directly in the middle of the Taliban stronghold in Southern … [Read more...]
How to get more views on my short films on youtube?
by vancouverfilmschool Question by BangBang: How to get more views on my short films on youtube? Whats a good way to get people to watch the films I make on youtube? Best answer: Answer by TaylorUpload to stumpleupon. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! … [Read more...]
Where can I learn more about eastern religions and meditation?
Question by Bill: Where can I learn more about eastern religions and meditation? I'm a 16 year old atheist, but I want to learn more about eastern religions/philosophies such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism for 2 reasons: 1. I find them to be very interesting. They seem to be very different than monotheistic religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. I would really like to learn more about the mythology behind them. 2. I feel like the … [Read more...]
Is it fair to say Woodstock, then and 40 years later, is more about mystique and the people in attendance…?
Question by David: Is it fair to say Woodstock, then and 40 years later, is more about mystique and the people in attendance...? ...than the actual music. Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to tear down Woodstock or downplay its cultural value as we reach the 40th anniversary -- in fact, I'm very excited to see Ang Lee's perfectly-timed "Taking Woodstock" film -- it's just I've always been quite disappointed by the musical performances … [Read more...]
Timothy Dela Ghetto aka Traphik talks about New York, Hot Girls, His Unit, Legaci & more at FAP 2.0
Chris Trondsen of Pacific Rim Video talks to Timothy Dela Ghetto aka Traphik about the New York, Hot Girls, His Unit and more at FAP 2.0. This clip produced and recorded by Peter Gonzaga. Photography by Sthanlee B. Mirador. Timothy Dela Ghetto is famous for his comedic video clips on myspace and youtube. He is also one of the most viewed comedic filmmaker on youtube. He also raps and has been featured with Legaci and Cathy Nguyen on their cover … [Read more...]
It’s more than just a movie
It's more than just a movie The North Platte Telegraph "They're like boarders in a boardinghouse. They sleep in your home and eat at your table, but you never really know who they are." Read more on North Platte Telegraph BCC filmmaker ready to shoot Stephen King short story in Fall River The story is set in a small New England town at the height of a blizzard, so it shouldn't be hard to fabricate. A man's car gets stuck in a ditch and he … [Read more...]
Who makes more money an actor, and rapper or a screenwriter?
Question by The Abbot *7: Who makes more money an actor, and rapper or a screenwriter? Who makes more money an actor, and rapper or a screenwriter Best answer: Answer by Markan actor. most actors are rich. depends on the movie/drama/actor. if the movie/drama is interesting and if the actor is good at acting, the actor gets high pay. eg. Angelina Jolie, Megan Fox, etc. they're good actors! Give your answer to this question below! … [Read more...]
It’s more than just a movie
It's more than just a movie The North Platte Telegraph "They're like boarders in a boardinghouse. They sleep in your home and eat at your table, but you never really know who they are." Read more on North Platte Telegraph Family Promise Helps Homeless Families Get Back on Their Feet St. Matthias Episcopal Church on Main Street in East Aurora has for several years been involved in outreach to assist homeless families through a program called … [Read more...]
Q&A: Which position has more power/money/influence – being executive producer or director of a feature film?
by whiteafrican Question by Sweet n Sour: Which position has more power/money/influence - being executive producer or director of a feature film? I thought it was director because it's his vision that people follow. Best answer: Answer by ashproducer What do you think? Answer below! … [Read more...]
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