martial art skills of Keanu Reeves who has Anne Moss as his heroine. The heart-throbbing actor Brad Pitt has created history with his superb acting. The film is highly significant for its drama and action. Mortal Kombat 2, where the fights are well choreographed, is the choice for lovers of acrobatic and martial art skills. Action was conveyed through close combat and good angles. Female power is no less than that of men in showing stunts. An obvious example for this can be Tom Raider enacted by Angelina Jolie, not to forget Charlies Angels.
If we need to see mystic powers at play, we can opt for The Mummy and Mummy Returns. It is a classical movie describing the theme of forbidden love. The people having love for wrestlers will like the movie named The Scorpio King. It creates a lasting effect on the mind with its romantic and aggressive theme.