Dir. Spike Lee. DVD. 1989.Ellin, Doug. “Entourage.” HBO.
Enter The Dragon. Dir. Robert Clouse. Perf. Bruce Lee. DVD. 1973.Han, Chong-suk. “GEISHA OF A DIFFERENT KIND: GAY ASIAN MEN AND THE GENDERING OF SEXUAL IDENTITY.” Sexuality and Culture 10 (2006): 3-28.Horta, Silvio. “Ugly Betty.” ABC.Marchetti, Gina. “: The Wedding Banquet: Global Chinese Cinema and the Asian American Experience.” Abstract. Asian American Cinema Coursepack (2008).Marchetti, Gina. “The Rape Fantasy.” Abstract. Asian American Cinema Coursepack (2008).
Tropic Thunder. Dir. Ben Stiller. Film. 2008.
The Wedding Banquet. Dir. Ang Lee. DVD. 1994.
Chuck Griffith curated high-art short subject films for Best of Breed: Vol. 1 and served as a producer/director for commercial film and television before becoming a novelist. He holds a BA in English and Comparative Literature and an MA in English Education from Columbia University.
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