Created by Vancouver Film School students Kasey Lum and Jorge Feres through the VFS Digital Design program. This is one of five video intros they created for the non-profit W2 Community Media Arts in Vancouver. Video Rating: 4 / 5 … [Read more...]
The way Luries produce wins, cheers
The way Luries produce wins, cheers A pair of serious cineasts lurk in the corridors of the Philadelphia Eagles' headquarters at the NovaCare Complex in South Philadelphia. Read more on … [Read more...]
How do filmmakers become big hard working directors?
by Chuckumentary Question by Reyhan V: How do filmmakers become big hard working directors? I know that they ask to work under a director, but how do they ask? how do they get hold of directors? do they go talk to production companies for phone numbers? or what? Best answer: Answer by Barbara GI think even sometimes Producers hire the Director so it a very uncertain bussiness.Nothing goes as you plan its just like you might or might not … [Read more...]
IADT Digital Production & Filmmaking on Media Talk
Mark Sullivan teaches classes in digital production at the International Academy of Design and Technology. With him is Stuart and Brandon, a couple of his students and aspiring producer/filmmakers. Tampa Bay's Media Talk co-hosts: Janet Sherer & Rob Tiisler. Video Rating: 1 / 5 … [Read more...]
School takes issue with rapper event
School takes issue with rapper event A call to ``Bridge the Gap'' of generations in Opa-locka has led to some controversy. Grace Academy International students were recently treated to a new documentary by the city and native-son rapper Brisco at the Opa-locka Municipal Complex, the same building where the K-12 private Christian school is located. Read more on Miami Herald You Don’t Like the Truth: A teenager, a locked room and the ugly truth A … [Read more...]
Any ideas for a 1 minute short film?
Question by AL: Any ideas for a 1 minute short film? I have to make several very short films for a video production course. They have to be around 1 minute in length each. I have some ideas but I need more and also I'd like to see what people come up with. They can be about anything, but should be kept to a loose PG-13 if possible. Remember that it's hard to fit any complex plot in just 1 minute, unfortunately. If I use your idea I can put … [Read more...]
The Century of the Self Trailer and Links(BBC Documentary)
The Century of the Self is an acclaimed documentary by filmmaker Adam Curtis released in 2002. Part 1. Happiness Machines - Part 2. The Engineering of Consent - Part 3. There is a Policeman Inside All Our Heads: He Must Be Destroyed - Part 4. Eight People Sipping Wine in Kettering - More Info: Video Rating: 4 / 5 … [Read more...]
Tell the positive story of the dairy industry
Tell the positive story of the dairy industry "Why do you have all these cows when you can buy milk at the supermarket?" sounds like a question no one should need to answer, but this is a real inquiry a dairy producer recently received from a young visitor. Read more on Sleepy Eye Herald Dispatch POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: Friday, October 29, 2010 The CNN Washington Bureau’s morning speed read of the top stories making news from around the country … [Read more...]
Q&A: what do i major in if i want to be a film director?
Question by tricky tink x0: what do i major in if i want to be a film director? i want to minor in lit, but if i major in film...i'm confused on whether or not i take "film studies" (which i've only heard about, haven't really found on any school websites as available majors) or digital video/film....even though i feel like those are the mechanics... and can i take creative writing classes too? Best answer: Answer by AmarettaMost large … [Read more...]
Mercedes-Benz: Dreams
New Mercedez-Benz E-Class Attention Assist (security item) to keep driver awake and alert. Dreams will have to wait. Client: Mercedes Agency: Jung von Matt/Alster Hamburg Executive Creative Director: Deneke von Weltzien, Armin Jochum Creative Director: Thimoteus Wagner, Christian Fritsche Copywriter: Daniel Pieracci Art Director: Jonas Keller Agency Producer: Hermann Krug, Vanessa Fischbeck Production Company: Bigfish Film Production Berlin … [Read more...]