by Newton Free Library Question by Devan: How do black people think about white people fighting for their rights? I have been wondering lately, after watching a Theroux documentary about black nationalists about how do black people feel about white people fighting for black rights. I can imagine some being offended as it really shows that white people have enough rights to fight for somebody else and other black people liking it because it might … [Read more...]
Suggestions on Music for a video?
Question by Pretty L: Suggestions on Music for a video? Hello All, Im doing a short film for my editing class its a few short clips on a bank robbery.I need some cool & appropriate music to tie into the video. Any suggestions would be nice. I will need the name of the artist and the song. Thank you in advance. Best answer: Answer by mushroom2700i cant say specifically but music with a fast low drum beat would prob. be really good since it makes … [Read more...]
What are some good movie ideas for a short film made in a month?
Question by Essennelle: What are some good movie ideas for a short film made in a month? My friend and I would like to make a short movie over our winter break from college, but don't really have any ideas. We live in NYC so lots of good places to film :) Any ideas for us? Best answer: Answer by Zachnice, me and my friends actually wrote script for a movie about a group of friends trying to find somthing fun to do but everything keeps … [Read more...]
Lastest Filmmaking News
Lisa Blount's Death Spurs Web Searches by Claudine Zap Actor and filmmaker Lisa Blount was found dead in her home in Little Rock, Arkansas . She was 53. The star's death spurred Yahoo! searches on " lisa blount " to rise an amazing 12,325% in just one day. Fans also looked up " lisa blount actress ," " lisa blount biography ," and " lisa blount death ." The stunning beauty first came on the scene with her breakout role in " An ... Read more on … [Read more...]
Anyone know of any documentaries that cover the current conflicts in Nigeria?
Question by Jimmy M: Anyone know of any documentaries that cover the current conflicts in Nigeria? Just looking for any documentaries that cover the current conflict between the christians and muslims in Nigeria. All films welcome as long as the pertain to the conflicts in question. Best answer: Answer by TamartTry the BBC website. Give your answer to this question below! … [Read more...]
Paratrooper Story Intro – Purchase at
Purchase at Introduction for a 5-Part independent project, in a style similar to Ken Burns, that follows the real-life story of Philadelphia teenagers who joined the famous 101st Airborne Division during WWII. The film uses voices of real WWII airborne veterans rather than voice-over narration. Aging troopers describe their personal war, one place and one incident at a time in the largest conflict in human history. … [Read more...]
Lastest Film Production Classes News
News in brief Here are a selection of brief news items from this week’s paper edition, and possibly a few news briefs that didn’t make it in the paper. Read more on West Salem Coulee News … [Read more...]
I need more opinions on this……….?
by copycatko Question by NGM_KID: I need more opinions on this..........? For digital filmmaking class I need to make a hidden camera, we don't know where it will be placed (no it's not somewhere nasty since it's for school) but it needs to be able to be only idea is putting the camera in a birdhouse because they have those holes.....any ideas? What can I make? NOT where to put it...just HOW to make it..... Best answer: Answer by … [Read more...]
Filmmaking for Beginners : Basic Conventions of Film Trailers
The basic conventions of film trailers include establishing the plot, introducing the characters, providing a general setting and adding attention-grabbing footage. Draw in viewers through a cleverly designed movie trailer with helpful tips from an independent filmmaker in this free video on film. Expert: Nathan Boehme Contact: Bio: Nathan Boehme is a writer, director and editor who currently lives and works in Los Angeles, … [Read more...]
Trick or Treating, Haunted Houses, Inflatables Planned for the Area
Trick or Treating, Haunted Houses, Inflatables Planned for the Area Chris and Chad Ashley's excellent idea turned into a small nightmare for the City of Auburndale. Read more on The Lakeland Ledger 'Glee' Does 'The Time Warp' Again 'Rocky Horror' song has been featured on 'Drew Carey Show,' covered by Alvin and the Chipmunks. Read more on MTV Send in the mimics: Beatlemania on Broadway Only really at the end of "Rain — A Tribute to the … [Read more...]