by camflan Question by : Film and television course portfolio confusion!? I am going into college next year, to study television and film production. I need a porfolio to get in. I have no experiance whatsoever I'm only 16. I thought I'd do a preperation post leaving certificate course which " helps you build your porfolio" but u need a porfolio to get into it too! I'm confused as to what to do, where do I even begin to make a porfolio, I don't … [Read more...]
The Parks Bonifay Documentary – Official Film Trailer
It took 27 years, locations all over the world and the last half a decade in production but the Parks Bonifay Documentary is finally here. This tale of a man, his unconventional youth and unbelievable adulthood, flirting with disaster and challenging life, the triumphs of winning everything in sight, and tribulations of incomprehensible injury, the considerable fun and the unexpected pain and the pressure all add up to one thing: his movie. Come … [Read more...]
Lastest Digital Filmmaking News
The Montreal Stop-Motion Film Festival Like a puppet show in a condemned building, or a circus in a deep, dark forest, stop-motion animation mixes the magical and the mundane, the fantastical moved by the human hand. Read more on 'Hobbit' movies to be made in New Zealand WELLINGTON (AFP) - Peter Jackson's "Hobbit" movies will be made in New Zealand after the government struck a deal with Hollywood studio Warner Bros. to end months of … [Read more...]
Q&A: What are requirements of short films or documentaries?
by vancouverfilmschool Question by teja kharab bheja: What are requirements of short films or documentaries? frnds plzz help ma for this....... i want to do it........ then plzzz suggest some ideas,,,for short films.. Best answer: Answer by El TecoloteI had an idea for a short film just the other day. I was thinking about finding an old house, like, more than 100 years old, and tell the story of the five generations of one family that lived … [Read more...]
Screenwriter PETER TOLAN: Tricks of the Trade
An accomplished writer, producer and director, Peter Tolan is probably best-known as co-creator of TV shows "The Job" and "Rescue Me", and co-writer of "Analyze This", and its sequel, "Analyze That". He started his career on the writing staff of television sitcoms and then became a writer and producer on HBO's "The Larry Sanders Show". From there, Tolan made his foray into movies with the … [Read more...]
Akshay: Aishwarya brings in good focus and discipline
keystone 8mm model B8 Image by B.S. Wise Women in the Chair updated 3.15.10 Below, please find a list of filmmakers from around the world who are women, posted in honor of March being "Women's History Month" and Kathryn Bigelow becoming the first woman ever to win an Academy Award for “Best Director." WOMEN FILMMAKERS WORLDWIDE 1896-2010 Gilda de Abreu Perry Miller Adato Anita W. Addison Carine Adler Arantxa … [Read more...]
Become a TV/Film runner!?
by Matt Woolner Question by Effie R: Become a TV/Film runner!? I am 16 Years old, and am absolutely DESPERATE to get into film and production. I know what you are thinking, finish your education and then go into it, but i really do want to start now and become a runner. I have applied almost everywhere notable, and just cant seem to get anywhere. Any Advice would be amazing! thanks x Best answer: Answer by Emilyfd Give your answer to this … [Read more...]
Employment Relations (Film Production Work) Amendment Bill – First Reading – Part 1
Provided by Produced by Tandem Studios … [Read more...]
Lastest Film Production News
VFS Film Production grads Angela Buhr and Mohamed Soliman Image by vancouverfilmschool VFS Film Production grads Angela Buhr and Mohamed Soliman documented Project Uganda, a fantastic initiative by Opportunitas Aequa aimed at building community and fostering youth through the power of soccer. To help show our support, VFS sent two Film Production grads, Angela Buhr and Mohamed Soliman, to Uganda with OA. Check out their video diary entries at … [Read more...]
Why has America fallen so far so fast from it’s Judao Christian values?
by Ken Lund Question by mopar Mike aka tea party mobster: Why has America fallen so far so fast from it's Judao Christian values? This is an exerpt from a book writen by conservative author and political commentator Cleon Skousen titled "The Naked Communist" In this book Mr Skousen list 45 goals communist wanted to accomplish to successfully take over America. This was also read into the congressional record on Jan 10, 1963 by a congressman from … [Read more...]