by Question by cyu: What do you think of Letterman's independent deal to end writers' strike? Is Letterman's production company a "scab" for not showing solidarity with the other wealthy media executives? Is he "crossing picket lines" in giving a decent deal to the people who help make his show? [It's funny Leno has booked a Republican candidate - obviously not afraid to cross … [Read more...]
You can buy a Zoom H2 at - here is a link: Boom poles cost a bloomin fortune! This is a simple way to build one yourself and save a ton of cash! The length of the bolt I used was 44mm There is an ebay seller selling these bolts here: Thanks to the awesome indymogul for the original idea, this is my UK adapted version. Honours for this video #30 -Most Discussed (This Week) - Howto & Style #43 - Premium Most Viewed … [Read more...]
NZ union calls an end to ‘Hobbit’ boycott to keep movie
NZ union calls an end to ‘Hobbit’ boycott to keep movie WELLINGTON, Oct 21 — A New Zealand actors’ union said today it had recommended lifting a boycott of working on “The Hobbit”, in a move to clear the way to start filming on the long-awaited movie and keep it in New Zealand. A dispute between actors and producers threatened to derail the project based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Hobbit” and damage the ... Read more on The Malaysian Insider EUR … [Read more...]
Q&A: How can I legally use music in my documentary?
by gobucks2 Question by Idiot kid (is female...): How can I legally use music in my documentary? I am making a documentary for a film contest and I want to use music for it, obviously. How do I go about doing that legally? Best answer: Answer by s kBy getting permission from the label that released it. You could also use music in the public domain. It's free, obviously, and you don't have to worry about legal issues. Know better? Leave your … [Read more...]
How to Interview for a Job : Job Interview Warm-Up Phase
Make sure to address an interviewer by name. Learn about interviewing warm-ups for a job in this free career advice video from a communications expert. Expert: Tracy Goodwin Bio: Tracy has a Master's in Corporate Communication and 10 years experience in professional speaking. Filmmaker: MAKE | MEDIA Video Rating: 4 / 5 When dressing for a second job interview, consider the culture and surroundings of the organization … [Read more...]
Lastest Independent Documentary Filmmakers News
Are there any short film contests available in Toronto or online?
by vancouverfilmschool Question by Kirk Max: Are there any short film contests available in Toronto or online? I'm looking for any short film contests I can enter online or in Toronto. It doesn't matter if the final deadline for this year has passed, I can enter next year as well. So far I've only been able to find The Indie Short Film Competition. I don't need many details, just a link to the website would help. Best answer: Answer by ghost … [Read more...]
Ice Cube on Raiders ESPN Documentary and Al Davis
www.HardKnock.TV caught up with Ice Cube at Paid Dues to talk about Straight Outta LA a Documentary Ice Cube is directing for ESPN. Cube also shares his thoughts about his recent interview with Raiders owner Al Davis. Ice Cube ends the interview by telling Hard Knock TV that he was burnt out on music for a while but that he was re-energies by Laugh Now, Cry Later. Cubes new album I am the West is coming soon. Check out part 1 of our interview to … [Read more...]
Lastest Short Film News
The Billy Nayer Show w/ film Stingray Sam and The Monster Women Panache Presents The Billy Nayer Show with their film Stingray Sam and The Monster Women Sunday, October 24, at Arcata Theatre Lounge, 1036 G St in Arcata. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Cost is $ 7 and is 21 and over. Read more on The North Coast Journal Surfrider Film and Mixer at SoHo Thursday Mixer and Short Film Screening of "Cycle of Insanity" followed by Special Guest Q&A after the … [Read more...]
Casting Calls for actors in Singapore?
Question by msifd: Casting Calls for actors in Singapore? is there a website for actors to link up with filmmakers other than and IN singapore? Best answer: Answer by Desert RoseI am not an actor .. but I hope this help i heard that in singapore there is only 1 company that acts as an agent to talented local / oversea actors.. FLY entertainement ..... Jteam ...Yahoo serach singapore theatre groups( … [Read more...]