Film made by students from Magdalen College, Oxford at the OFVM Film Oxford studio Video Rating: 5 / 5 … [Read more...]
Lastest Film Editing News
New Zealand Prima Donna Thespians Due for Stint in Bulgaria Losses to New Zealand's tourism industry would be well into the millions if Sir Peter Jackson's Hobbit films are not filmed there, tourism experts say. Read more on SEX AND THE CITY 2 "Sex and the City 2" might be the worst sequel ever made. Carrie Bradshaw and friends deliver endlessly tortured... Read more on Boston Herald … [Read more...]
Video Editing Programs, what do you think I should use?
by rasdourian Question by KevinWantsToKnow!: Video Editing Programs, what do you think I should use? So I'm an indie filmmaker and I was wondering what program I should use to edit my high definition movies. I am filming with a canon hv20 and an panasonic hvx200. There is Avid Xpress Pro, Adobe Premeire Pro CS3, Sony Vegas Pro 8.0. Which of these is better? Best answer: Answer by Sammy JAdobe is my best of the line selection. Very powerful and … [Read more...]
CDIABU – Digital Film Equipment
A video which showcases the state of the art equipment available to digital film students at CDIABU. Boston University's Center for Digital Imaging Arts offers programs for students wanting to break into modern media production. This Boston film school will immerse you in the exciting world of digital filmmaking. Video Rating: 0 / 5 Produced at Vassily Fedyaev's hands-on "No-Dialogue Short Filmmaking" workshop, where in … [Read more...]
Lastest Film Editing News
Bassick students create best sports documentary A documentary on the daily struggles faced by Bassick High School athletes who are forced to practice at public parks and the beach because the school doesn't have any fields for them to use. Read more on Connecticut Post FINIS Shooter Monofin Highlighted in Beneath the Blue Full Length Film LIVERMORE, California, October 21. FINIS, the Worldwide Leader in Technical Swimming Development is proud … [Read more...]
Q&A: Who watched the HBO Documentary “Ganja Queen”? Do you think she did it?
Question by Doubledown: Who watched the HBO Documentary "Ganja Queen"? Do you think she did it? I watched the documentary "ganja queen" on hbo last night. What a story. The documentary filmmaker did a brilliant job. So, to the people that watched it, what are your thoughts? Do you think she did it? By watching the HBO documentary, are you now compelled to learn more about the story? Best answer: Answer by popstarlilaNOT ME!! Give your … [Read more...]
Digital Filmmakers Forum: Post Production
This program brings together professionals from the world of public broadcasting, network sports, corporate video & broadcast journalism in a panel discussion on documentary filmmaking. The discussion covers such aspects as concept & idea development, pre-production, the production process, & post-production. Professionals with varied backgrounds & a shared passion for documentary films share stories, advise against pitfalls, and offer tips to … [Read more...]
Short film follows war movie tradition, with a twist
Short film follows war movie tradition, with a twist Bronx-based independent filmmaker Ronald K. Armstrong thinks he has made a "kind of history-making film" with "War Is a Bitch.". Read more on New York Daily News Closing the net Julian Assange moves like a hunted man. In a noisy Ethiopian restaurant, he pitches his voice above a whisper to foil the Western intelligence agencies he fears. Read more on The Age Khadr pleads guilty to war … [Read more...]
There’s someone at my door and won’t leave!!?
by copycatko Question by NGM_KID: There's someone at my door and won't leave!!? NOW THAT I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION: I need to finish this project!! For digital filmmaking class I need to make a hidden camera(well I already have the camera), we don't know where it will be placed (no it's not somewhere nasty since it's for school) but it needs to be able to be only idea is putting the camera in a birdhouse because they have those … [Read more...]