Candidates step up to fill Dorgan's seat With longtime U.S. senator Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., not seeking re-election this fall, two candidates have stepped up to fill the seat Dorgan has held since 199. Read more on Minot Daily News Chevron to develop 2 deep-water oil fields in gulf Chevron Corp. has approved a $ 7.5 billion project to develop two deep-water fields in the outer rim of the Gulf of Mexico, marking one of the oil and gas industry's … [Read more...]
help! i want to study film! bangkok or singapore??
by vancouverfilmschool Question by bu: help! i want to study film! bangkok or singapore?? I currently work and i'm planning to resign the end of the month to pursue film studies, I reside in bangkok and i have two options for film school: SAE (bangkok ) offers a digital film making diploma for 9 months, the fees for sae is much more expensive and its 9 months the good side, living costs is cheaper here and id have an apartment, at least i can pay … [Read more...]
Screenwriter SUSANNAH GRANT: Tricks of the Trade
Susannah Grant received an Oscar nomination in 2001 for her screenplay based on the life of working-class heroine Erin Brockovich. The AFI graduate and Nicholl Fellowship winner first started out writing for the television show "Party of Five", and then went on to pen the scripts for "Ever After" and "28 Days". Following her nomination, Grant adapted "In Her Shoes" and "Charlotte's Web", as well … [Read more...]
Penthouse magazine founder dies at 79
Penthouse magazine founder dies at 79 BOB Guccione, the man behind Penthouse magazine and its Penthouse Pets, has died aged 79. Read more on Daily Telegraph Seven Arts Premieres Night of the Demons at Screamfest HOLLYWOOD, CA--(Marketwire - October 21, 2010) - Seven Arts Pictures PLC ( NASDAQ : SAPX ) announced today the DVD release on October 19 th of "Night of the Demons" which premiered last week at Screamfest to rave reviews: Read more on … [Read more...]
What’s the deal copyrighting Indie films?
by rasdourian Question by fakenoodles: What's the deal copyrighting Indie films? I'm a beginner filmmaker and I want to see if anyone has any info on this. Films I make wont be distributed, so how does copyrighting fit in? Best answer: Answer by Ciaran Ccopyrights covers your work from being stolen and shown without you being payed, if you want your work seen by a paying audience then you get a distributor to put your film into cinema or on dvd … [Read more...]
Trust and Transformation: From Prison to Acceptance
Google Tech Talks February 19, 2009 ABSTRACT The Trust is a feature length documentary shot inside San Quentin State Prison and in surrounding Bay Area communities. The film is a character-driven story about the daily struggle of incarceration faced by three San Quentin inmates. After one man is released, the film follows him home as he attempts to re-integrate into society. The film takes you inside San Quentin on a one-on-one journey with … [Read more...]
Lastest Independent Academy News
South Stanly Rips Mustangs The North Moore football team traveled to South Stanly Friday where it lost 69-0. Read more on The Southern Pines Pilot New twist in 10th Congressional District race The brother-in-law of independent candidate Maryanne Lewis was also named in an illegal strip-search suit but Lewis says it’s a clerical error and he was dropped from the suit long ago. Read more on The Brockton Enterprise … [Read more...]
How successful has Obama/communists/liberals/democrat party been at lying to the American public?
by Ken Lund Question by Slay Loco: How successful has Obama/communists/liberals/democrat party been at lying to the American public? List of commie/democrat goals: 1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war. 2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war. 3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength. 4. … [Read more...]
The Power Of Dyslexia about Famous Dyslexics This video is about Dyslexia, Famous Dyslexics. The Power Of Dyslexia video is to create awareness of a educational and collaborative community the power of dyslexia .com The Power Of dyslexia is dedicated to serving the dyslexic community by providing a Free online community where dyslexics and those touched by dyslexia can post questions, provide advise and chat with other community members. Famous People with … [Read more...]
Call It Anything But Love! – An Up-Close Look at Clergy Sexual Abuse
Call It Anything But Love! - An Up-Close Look at Clergy Sexual Abuse New documentary DVD released today! EFFINGHAM, Ill., Oct. 22 / Christian Newswire / -- The Hope of Survivors is pleased to announce the release of a new documentary DVD. Call It Anything But Love! is a true story of a couple's struggles and challenges as they overcome their painful pasts to find themselves in a spider's web of lies, deceit, adultery and abuse -- at the hands of … [Read more...]