by kingstous Question by emily_wags: do i really have to move to hollywood to in the film editing business? i want to be a film editor, but will i be stuck in california my whole career if i want to edit movies? Best answer: Answer by ocsummerbabiino, not necessarily. i want to be a film director, and i'm choosing to go to film school in New York. i don't really know where my career will take me after that, perhaps Hollywood, but i really hope … [Read more...]
1937 Horse Rider Day in Düsseldorf-Col/Snd Amateur Movie Summer 1937. Horse Rider Day in Düsseldorf with General von Papen and Reichmarshall von Mackensen. Incredible uniforms and parades. Perfect portrait of the remains of ancient Prussian pride and tradition, it must have looked a bit obsolete even in 1937 Nazi Germany. A must see for all the military march music fans! Amateur film. Producer unknown. Original soundtrack. "SUBSCRIBING to this Channel is a MUST for researchers and … [Read more...]
Lastest Digital Film School News
Salman Rushdie signs deal to publish memoir Booker Prize-winning author Salman Rushdie - who was for many years in hiding after he was subject to a Fatwah - has signed a deal to publish his memoir, it was announced toda Read more on Yorkshire Evening Post Audiobook of Salinger novel made for library service A library service for the blind has made an audiobook of 'Catcher in the Rye,' using a loophole in American copyright law as late author … [Read more...]
What is a good name for my film production company?
by Question by Apoc: What is a good name for my film production company? I want to form a small film production company (which might grow, who knows) and I could use some suggestions for the name. I like names that are serious and simple without the usual "I want it to sound mysterious and absurd" crap. Something like "Focus Features" or Mel Gibson's "Icon Productions" or even Scorsese's personal name "Sikelia Productions". … [Read more...]
JULIAN MARLEY NATTY DREAD AFRICAN UNITE CONCERT IN ADDIS ABBA ETHIOPIA 2005 Julian Ricardo Marley (born June 4, 1975 in London) is a reggae musician. He is the son of reggae legend Bob Marley and a Bajan mother, Lucy Pounder. He is a member of the Rastafari movement. Born in London, Julian's childhood was spent between England and Jamaica. Musical from an early age, he can play the keyboard, drums, bass, guitar, among other instruments. Along … [Read more...]
Filmmakers to present poet Poe’s work
Filmmakers to present poet Poe’s work Kathy Crawford of Waterford Township and her partner Michael Sneed of Garden City will present their two short independent films, “The Mesmer,” an adaptation of an Edgar Allen Poe short story, and “ Butterfly Kisses,” a family tragedy, on Friday, Oct. 22, in Lapeer. Read more on The Oakland Press Back stage Flight, indulgence, deception, titillation Read more on Mmegi TCU ready for test to stop … [Read more...]
Q&A: I’m interested in working in film but not sure where to start or which career would be best for me?
Question by ~Happy~: I'm interested in working in film but not sure where to start or which career would be best for me? I'm interested in working in film but not sure where to start or which career would be best for me? I'd probably be interested in writing and/or editing and producing films ( television possibly but more interested in film and possibly theatre ) I write a lot and am still continuing my college education which is general arts … [Read more...]
Recording Music with Digital Performer : How to Edit Audio Tracks in Digital Performer
Learn tips on how to record and edit audio tracks in digital performer in this free video clip on how to record music. Expert: Jeff Pence Contact: Bio: Jeff Pence has been in the music business for over 25 years He is a Producer / Songwriter / Musician that has been signed to 5 major record labels including EMI Records, SBK Records, Capitol Records Filmmaker: Jeff Pence … [Read more...]
Lastest Film Production News
Stacy Jorgensen's Grey Skies to play at Orlando Film Festival Nov. 4, 6 DeLandites got a sneak peak at Grey Skies, an independent film made by one of their own, Stacy Jorgensen, at the Athens Theatre on July 31. The thriller-science-fiction movie then began to play the film-festival circuit. Now, it will be shown at the Orlando Film Festival, which showcases ... Read more on The DeLand-Deltona Beacon NZ's film industry 'in peril' over risk … [Read more...]
Q&A: How long to keep name subtitle in a documentary?
by kino-eye Question by fez: How long to keep name subtitle in a documentary? I'm making a video documentary that includes interviews that I filmed. How long should I display the little subtitle at the bottom of the screen that says the name of the person and his profession before fading it out? Best answer: Answer by dana oI would say long enough for you to read it comfortably without feeling rushed, then add at least 20 frames to that … [Read more...]