Directed by Jeremiah Zagar. Sometimes, an entire lifetime is decided in a moment. At least it was for Isaiah Zagar, whose mother's scream when he was three set him on the road to becoming an artist. In this striking, dream-like film, his son, Jeremiah reenacts the incident when his father had his epiphany: Letting his crayon stray outside the lines in the coloring book, to the formica kitchen table, then the floor, up the refrigerator and finally … [Read more...]
Lastest Film Production Education News
Spark Capital Ignites with 3M – cbl By citybizlist Staff BOSTON -- Spark Capital has sold $ 353 million in pooled investment fund interes... Read more on citybizlist Boston … [Read more...]
Record Deal or Independent Artist?
by permanently scatterbrained Question by datonphillips: Record Deal or Independent Artist? Would you rather get a record deal or remain independent artist? If you search that question in Google there are many blogs and websites that say it's better to remain independent because you keep more money and get all the royalties. But how much money could you make as an independent artist if you don't have the millions of dollars of backing from a … [Read more...]
Japanese Sushi Documentary
Ordering There are no waiters or waitresses at sushi-ya So how do you order? Customers order the things they like direct from the chef The main menu items are the same in any sushi-ya Most typically you will find "ohtoro," "chuutoro," and "toro" This indicates the quality of the tuna Ohtoro uses the highest grade fish, rich in fat and very delicious The rice known as "shari" is the finest quality "koshihikari" brand On the other hand toro is a … [Read more...]
Spring-Ford Reporter/The Valley ItemDatebook
Spring-Ford Reporter/The Valley ItemDatebook DateBook Notes Read more on Spring-Ford Reporter & Valley Item … [Read more...]
I need to make a low budget full length film. How do I do it?
Question by Andrew R: I need to make a low budget full length film. How do I do it? I am making a film for my high school Latin class about the epic tale of Hercules. I have my cast in mind, what I want the shots to be like, where location filming will be, and what i want costimes to look like. But I am a little concerned about a few details abotu the shot 1. What if my cast members won't come? How do I change the character/story when I have … [Read more...]
Dr Deagle Show 011210 5/6 – Project Camelot - - - THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL CHANNEL OF THE NUTRIMEDICAL REPORT OR DR. BILL DEAGLE - - - playlist: NUTRIMEDICAL REPORT SHOW -- TUESDAY, JANUARY 12TH 2010 -- HOUR ONE SPECIAL - - Kerry Cassidy & Bill Ryan of Project Camelot Project Camelot is based on an idea generated when we first met and spent the weekend in Tintagel, England, overlooking the sea in the home of King Arthur. We named our project in tribute … [Read more...]
Renauds return to NYT ‘Timescast’
Renauds return to NYT 'Timescast' Little Rock natives and co-founders of the Little Rock Film Festival Brent and Craig Renaud are featured in this week's New York Times 'Timescast' with a short story on drug trafficking in Juarez, Mexico. They're no stranger to the newspaper's video series. But in this one, set in the middle of the murder capital of the world, if you listen close enough, you can literally hear their brass balls ... Read more on … [Read more...]
Where can I find a good university that teaches Television and Filmmaking online?
Question by noora: Where can I find a good university that teaches Television and Filmmaking online? I mean the whole major not some of the courses only. I'm tired of looking, and I despretly want it. Ps. Preferbly master of fine arts. Best answer: Answer by eyebumFor television / filmmaking, you don't need a degree. You don't need a school. You only need a camera (ANY CAMERA), and some creativity. Read … [Read more...]
Physical Therapist Career Information : Physical Therapist Job Description
Physical therapist job descriptions focus on using functional exercises and stretches used to heal people with a variety of injuries. Learn more about physical therapist job descriptions with tips from an experienced physical therapist in this free video on career information. Expert: Drew Norwood Bio: Drew Norwood has been a physical therapist for more than eight years and works in South Jordan, Utah. Filmmaker: Michael … [Read more...]