Family affair Tara Nazemi and her mother Azita Sahebjam both make their acting debuts in Naghmeh Shirkhan’s The Neighbor. The film, shot in North Vancouver, screens Oct. 3, 4 and 11 at this year’s Vancouver International Film Festival. Read more on North Shore News News: Bizarre's James Bond: Blood Stone dated Arrives same day as GoldenEye 007. James Bond: Blood Stone will be released in the UK on 5th November, Activision has confirmed. It'll … [Read more...]
Q&A: Is 19 late to start learning and experiencing filmmaking ?
Question by Armink: Is 19 late to start learning and experiencing filmmaking ? I always wanted to start learning and experiencing film making either it's animation or digital or ... i actually have tons of useful books and video trainings which would coverage lots of subjects , i had all of them when i was 17 and i wanted to start then but somehow i didn't and now that i wanna start i always think that it's too late and i'm not gonna ever make it … [Read more...]
Sideshow Picasso
Directed by Marilyn Agrelo. Brooklyn painter Marie Roberts comes from a family long entrenched in Coney Island's Sideshow. Her family home once housed the famous freaks and oddities of the 1920's and 1930's where her uncle was the "talker" luring audiences in to see them. Marie paints beautiful banners for the current Sideshow. … [Read more...]
Lastest Film Production Classes News
News in brief Here are a selection of brief news items from this week’s paper edition, and possibly a few news briefs that didn’t make it in the paper. Read more on Onalaska Holmen Courier-Life … [Read more...]
Q&A: I want to make a documentary, but I don’t want to get into trouble.?
by uniondocs Question by warplesnorkle: I want to make a documentary, but I don't want to get into trouble.? My boyfriend and I were passing through a bad-ish part of town, and we started talking about prostitutes and stuff, and I thought it would be kinda interesting to see if I could get some of them to talk to me on film about how they got to where they are, and what it would take to get them out of the situations that they are in. I have a … [Read more...]
LOOK – “Electrocuted”
Willie shares his latest song with Carl. LOOK - There are an estimated 30 million surveillance cameras in the United States. On any given day, the average American is captured approximately 200 times. Every one of us is constantly being observed at our jobs, on the street, while shopping, and sometimes even in our own homes. Every one of our secrets, lies, crimes and most private moments are all being recorded. But who is watching us? Look is an … [Read more...]
Millionaires, Illegal Immigrants Box in Wiseman’s Dingy ‘Gym’
Millionaires, Illegal Immigrants Box in Wiseman’s Dingy ‘Gym’ Frederick Wiseman’s “ Boxing Gym ” is as no-frills as its subject -- a dingy gym in Austin, Texas, where members pay $ 50 a month to skip rope, toss medicine balls, hit speed bags and follow other training techniques used by fighters for ages. Read more on Bloomberg HDFF: Recappin' with CT Lark Dennis Our favorite metal screamer /film buff CT filed this dispatch from the Hot Springs … [Read more...]
Q&A: Has anyone ever heard of or attended the Creative Minds in Hollywood/Cannes program?
Question by Courtney W: Has anyone ever heard of or attended the Creative Minds in Hollywood/Cannes program? I stumbled across the site some how a few weeks ago, and I am really thinking about joining the program but I haven't been able to find ANYONE who has even heard of it or attended it. I would really like to know if it's worth the money before I go out there. Here's the website: They also have this program … [Read more...]
The Independent-Bosch Technology Horizons Award
If you are aged between 14 and 24 and can write an essay, you could win up to £1000 by answering the question 'How can technology and engineering provide innovative solutions to today's global challenges? The Independent-Bosch Technology Horizons Award is now in its fourth successful year. It is run by three partners: The Independent, Bosch and the Royal Academy of Engineering. This year we are encouraging discussion within a wide range of … [Read more...]
Wilson Milam to Direct David Hay’s A Perfect Future Off-Broadway in February 2011
Wilson Milam to Direct David Hay's A Perfect Future Off-Broadway in February 2011 Tony Award-winning producer Andy Sandberg (Hair, The Last Smoker in America) will present the world premiere of David Hay's A Perfect Future Off-Broadway in winter 2011. Read more on Playbill Is Colin Farrell taking over for Arnold in the Total Recall remake? Word around Hollywood is that Irish star Colin Farrell is at the top of the list—which also includes Tom … [Read more...]