Science with Nicole Josh Fox, filmmaker for the documentary Gasland, came to Lafayette to present his film and findings. Gasland exposes the truth behind the natural gas industry and shows how air and water pollution occur due to hydraulic fracturing, otherwise known as "fracking. Read more on The Lafayette Power to the community: free film tonight The documentary "Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil" will be shown for free at 7 … [Read more...]
What are the requirements when applying to college to Major in Filmmaking?
Question by Fearless in the Rain: What are the requirements when applying to college to Major in Filmmaking? Are there any websites or books that could help me out with that? Besides the usual (essay, etc.), do I have to make a short film or write a screenplay in order to apply? What do I have to do? Best answer: Answer by Fallendepends on the school. some schools require clips of short films/a portfolio. So go on the school's website and look … [Read more...]
Digital Camera Tips : How to Diffuse Light in Digital Pictures
Diffusing light on digital cameras can improve your pictures! Get tips for using tissue to diffuse light in this free video clip about taking professional digital pictures. Expert: Erin Neumeyer Contact: Bio: Erin Neumeyer is a professional children's photographer in Venice, California. Filmmaker: Nili Nathan Video Rating: 4 / 5 Learn basic tips on using the rule of thirds in your digital photography to … [Read more...]
Hartsville Happenings
Hartsville Happenings United Way of Hartsville 2011 Campaign Kick-off: 8:30 a.m. Thursday at CareSouth Carolina, 1268 S. Fourth St., in the grand ballroom. Breakfast will be provided. The theme for the campaign is “Our Community Matters.” Info: T.C. Sawyer at (843) 332-3261. Read more on Florence Morning News Letters: University education NHS managers need reform Read more on Independent … [Read more...]
Anyone ever read Cleon Skousen’s book The Naked Communist, outlining 45 communist goals to take over America?
by Okinawa Soba Question by General MacArthur: Anyone ever read Cleon Skousen's book The Naked Communist, outlining 45 communist goals to take over America? This is a list of communist goals taken from Cleon Skousen's book " The Naked Communist " that found their way down the halls of our Capitol back in 1963. As you read this, 46 years later, you should be shocked by the events that have played themselves out via the liberal agenda. Keep in mind … [Read more...]
True Life: I’m addicted to World of Warcraft
This was my final project for my film production class. Enjoy! Special thanks to Tom, Aaron, and Jori Video Rating: 4 / 5 … [Read more...]
Lastest Independent Motion Picture News
DVD reviews: 'Predators,' 'Oceans,' 'Please Give' This week’s home video releases are all over the map, with important titles ranging from an intimate drama featuring some of today’s best actors to a science-fiction flick that’s all about action. Read more on Reno Gazette-Journal Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Strategic Technologies for 2011 Gartner, Inc. today highlighted the top 10 technologies and trends that will be strategic for most … [Read more...]
Where can I find a film internship/job in Washington State?
Question by hoopiethree: Where can I find a film internship/job in Washington State? I'm needing an internship/job in the filmmaking industry over the summer (I'm a student, freelance filmmaker), but I can't seem to find anything good via Google. Any suggestions/connections/ideas? Much appreciated, thanks! Best answer: Answer by Eric Hcraigslist under gigs for crew usually has a lot of listings, as well as their video job section. Good … [Read more...]
Scorpio Force Part 1 (The 80’s Expendables) – Action Movie Tribute
A child of the 80's (re: GI Joe), "Scorpio Force" is the action film I always wanted to see. If "The Expendables" was made in the early 90's, this would have been it. Sadly, I had to split it into 2 parts to make the 10 minute limit. I own all of these films and was tired of having to watch them on 9 different TV's simultaneously. I made this as a film editing exercise. I chose to only use films that starred these action greats in the roles that … [Read more...]
Lastest Independent Motion Picture News
EFF's Cohn fights copyright's 'underbelly' (Q&A) Legal director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation for a decade, Cindy Cohn says recent lawsuits against individuals aren't about copyright but about lawyers lining their own pockets. Read more on CNET … [Read more...]