by TheFemGeek Question by Essie: How long is a film script for a short film? I was wondering how many pages fill a script for a short film? The short film being, what, between 10 and 15 minutes? Please let me know! Thank you. Best answer: Answer by Then Stina SaysOn average, one page equals one minute of screen time. An average one-hour episode script is 40-something pages (commercial breaks make a one-hour episode into about 42 minutes of … [Read more...]
Breaking Into Hollywood – Do I Really Need A Screenwriting Seminar?
by Listen Up! Breaking Into Hollywood - Do I Really Need A Screenwriting Seminar? I’m a producer who has enjoyed both sides of the writing seminar experience. As a writing fellow years ago, I attended many diverse seminars. Then, as a story analyst for a major production company, I developed my own system for understanding and applying story structure which I now teach in a seminar of my own. There are three things I explain to … [Read more...]
Life In Prison: A Project Envision Documentary
This 30-minute television special gives you an inside look into three California state prisons, including the California Medical Facility. CMF houses the oldest and sickest inmates in the state. Video Rating: 4 / 5 … [Read more...]
De Niro turns to ‘Stone,’ ‘Fockers’ in busy season
De Niro turns to 'Stone,' 'Fockers' in busy season On screen, at least. In his latest film, the psychological drama "Stone," De Niro stars as a veteran parole officer ending his career in a showdown with a manipulative inmate ( Edward Norton ) and seduction by the prisoner's wife ( Milla Jovovich ). Read more on The Norwalk Citizen Sun rises on HBO's Boardwalk Empire Who needs LandO when you have a hit with a $ 65M budget? Execs, vendors … [Read more...]
Lastest Independent Production Company News
Dominican revs up for gubernatorial candidates' debate Dominican University is wrapping up preparations for Tuesday's gubernatorial debate after a busy couple of weeks during which painters spruced up campus buildings, Comcast workers installed miles of coaxial cable and school staffers planned everything from seating charts to volunteer goody bags. Read more on Marin Independent Journal Plains Buys Eagle Ford Acreage Plains Exploration & … [Read more...]
Can anyone give me tips on getting in2 the film editing business?
Question by j_dizzy89: Can anyone give me tips on getting in2 the film editing business? I am looking for some tips on how to break into the film editing business. i wanna know what are some good software, big editing companies, schools in chicago, any and all things related.. thnx Best answer: Answer by Vijay SThe best way to get into the "film editing business" is to know someone already there :) If you mean Hollywood anyway, its a pretty … [Read more...]
Why Corporate Video Production is Best Left to Professional Video Production Companies
by Why Corporate Video Production is Best Left to Professional Video Production Companies <!-- p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } --> As websites without video content begin to look increasingly archaic and the Internet continues to replace traditional advertising media, organisations across the public, private and charity sectors are falling over themselves to produce videos about what they do and who they … [Read more...]
CONFESSION 26- Confessions of an Independent Filmmaker
Our hero has been missing for two months. With a kick-butt development package and an awesome story, what could be keeping him from confessing??? CLICK AND SEE FOR YOURSELF!!! … [Read more...]
‘Final Destination 5’ film sequel begins production in Vancouver
Sound Design for Visual Media and Film Production students at dbc sound Image by vancouverfilmschool Sound Design for Visual Media and Film Production Students at dbc sound. dbc sound inc. is a world class post-production audio facility for feature films, television, animation, documentaries, short films, video games and commercials. Find out more about Sound Design for Visual Media at and Film Production at … [Read more...]
What’s a good idea for a short (5-10 min) and easy to make film for an 8th grade film class?
by Chris Devers Question by Sushi: What's a good idea for a short (5-10 min) and easy to make film for an 8th grade film class? I have serious writers block here and need some help. I need info on what I should do for my short (5-10 min) and easy to make film and how I could make it would be nice too. Remember, I'm in 8th grade and I have absolutely NO FILMAKING EXPERIENCE!!! Best answer: Answer by RocioA parody from a movie, or important event … [Read more...]