by Network Marketing Prospecting - Do Mlm Products Make A Difference? In this article we look at multi level marketing prospecting and examine the part that top MLM products can make in developing a successful business. In this regard, there are two of schools of thought. Those that teach attraction marketing and branding yourself and those with a more product-centric tactic. Also, the eternal issue is whether to … [Read more...]
Ron Paul Video Diary Preview
Be the first beta testers of the Ron Paul Video Diary The Ron Paul 2008 Video Diary is a collaboration between the Campaign for Liberty and Ron Paul 2008 Video Production Director, Bill Dumas. This video series is a behind the scenes look at a Presidential campaign that became a Revolution as seen through the documentary lens of an award-winning documentary filmmaker thrust into the frenetic poltical world that made … [Read more...]
Lastest Filmmaking Class News
Eleanor Roosevelt High students advance in program Eleanor Roosevelt High School students Steven Brent, Justin Brown, Melanie Keys, Ememobong Mbek, Obinna Obineche, Natasha Scott, Xavier Thompson and Jasmine Young are semifinalists in the 47th Annual National Achievement Scholarship Program. Read more on Hyattsville Gazette … [Read more...]
Which kind of video camera should I use for my indie film?
by uniondocs Question by Sean: Which kind of video camera should I use for my indie film? I'm an independent filmmaker planning my first feature film and want to stick to a strict total budget of $ 10,000. I don't want to spend a lot of money on a camera. Before you start pointing out inexpensive HD camcorders, let me tell you the artistic angle I'm going for in my film. I am considering getting a professional VHS/S-VHS camcorder (you know, the … [Read more...]
Q&A: How do you get funding for your independent film?
Question by Joey: How do you get funding for your independent film? How can I get money from companies, movie studios or grants to fund my film in the United States or internationally. I'm a start up production company, very small and would like to produce ultra low budget 100k movies. Best answer: Answer by Jack [Ryder]You could just draw up a business plan and work out numbers and make note of what you think the profit may be of your film/s. … [Read more...]
Review on Hillman, Amy J., Shropshire, Christine, Cannella Jr., Albert A.. 2007. Organizational predictors of women on corporate boards. Academy of Ma
by Ken Lund Review on Hillman, Amy J., Shropshire, Christine, Cannella Jr., Albert A.. 2007. Organizational predictors of women on corporate boards. Academy of Ma Introduction:The lack of uniformity of female presentation urged the questions of why some organizations have such representation while others do not? And what are the predictors of women on corporate boards? (Hillman et al, 2007)Authors performed a study to answer … [Read more...]
Satellite Direct Review – Watch CNBC,CNN,FOX,ESPN,Nascar Online……
by Brooklyn Museum Satellite Direct Review - Watch CNBC,CNN,FOX,ESPN,Nascar Online...... Satellite Direct Review - Satellite Direct TV is a package that contains a software that will change the way you look at shows in your computer. Because of it, you will be able to watch different types of shows from other countries like news, sports, cartoons, documentaries and also other movies. So, if you are quite bored from the same shows … [Read more...]
Sell Your Digital Photos Online
by 35mmMonkey Sell Your Digital Photos Online If you want to start your own business in freelance digital photography then there are a number of ways that you can get started and sell your digital photos online.1. Sell Photos at Stock Photography Web Sites One of the best ways to sell digital photos online is to sell your photography at stock photography web sites. Stock photography refers to a stock of existing … [Read more...]
MediaArts103 proj3raw VO pt 2
This is Part 2 of a demonstration for Project 3 of my course, Introduction to Digital Cinematography (Media Arts 103) at Glendale Community College in Glendale, California. This is raw footage for a short continuity sequence -- students will be editing the footage together with Final Cut Pro. The objective is to create the illusion that out of many separate events (the individual shots), one continuous event is perceived by the viewer. In other … [Read more...]
Lastest Digital Filmmaker News
TIFF the Lightbox Fantastic: Toronto Film Festival unveils state-of-the-art showcase for movie lovers Since its founding in 1976, the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) has steadily grown into arguably the world’s most important film festival after Cannes. Read more on Film Journal Producer/exhibitor Thushan Rangana discusses the scene in Sri Lanka It’s always very exciting to introduce new territories to our readers. Today, we bring … [Read more...]