by qthrul Question by Dub's: DIGITAL FILMMAKING CAMERAS? I've been shopping on the new for a digital camcorder and noticed that on some sites the camera is really really cheap in price, like 1k for a canon xl2, and on other sites the xl2 is around 3k give or take a few hundred. Are the sites offering the low price bogus, is it possible they might be selling fake cameras? Best answer: Answer by Little DogBe very careful of "incredible … [Read more...]
Footage Video Trailers AD Filmmaking in Mumbai
by work the angles Footage Video Trailers AD Filmmaking in Mumbai What's your advertising need? Do you need a television ad created for your company's latest project? Try Cinemawood! India's professional actors and cinema production lines offer you the best money can buy when it comes to advertisement creation. You have access to Bollywood's many fantastic actors to play a role in your advertisement creation. India has come a long … [Read more...]
DN! Michael Moore (4) on His Life, His Films and His Activism
Michael Moore on His Life, His Films and His Activism In a Democracy Now! special broadcast, we spend the hour with one of the most famous independent filmmakers in the world: Michael Moore. For the past twenty years, Michael has been one of the most politically active, provocative and successful documentary filmmakers in the business. His films include Roger and me; Fahrenheit 9/11; Bowling for Columbine, for which he won the Academy Award; and … [Read more...]
Lastest Film Production Classes News
Central actors will treat 3rd-graders to 'Wayside School' performances Many Keller district third-graders will get their first exposure to live theater this week, thanks to Central High thespians and their directors. Read more on Fort Worth Star-Telegram … [Read more...]
How do I transfer Video from my Sony Digital Camera to my computer for filmmaking?
by vancouverfilmschool Question by imagination_inevitable: How do I transfer Video from my Sony Digital Camera to my computer for filmmaking? Thank You Best answer: Answer by bored with lifeu have to use a usb cable Add your own answer in the comments! … [Read more...]
Why most Canadian films TANK at the box office?
by Why most Canadian films TANK at the box office? …and how to turn this situation around. The first time I ever set foot on a movie set was back in 2001 (working as a boom operator on a Sarah Polley short film). Since that day my passion for making movies has only grown and intensified. But one underlining question that continues to run through my mind is…why do most (95% or more) Canadian films tank at the box … [Read more...]
Gulf Oil Disaster: Film Maker On the Scene Claims Evacuation is Imminent
Day 83: Film maker Matt Smith, who has been in the Gulf for the last three weeks filming the Documentary "Project Gulf Impact", believes from his observations that an evacuation of the Gulf is Imminent. He also says that some are preparing to leave ahead of a forced evacuation, and that he himself is leaving. If anyone has any information regarding this situation, you can report it to … [Read more...]
Lastest Indie Filmmaker News
Allure Movie Poster Image by Fuzzytek Allure is about the concern of stalking. it shows the evolution of a relationship that is imbalanced and how people react. is the support website for activities related to the film. I offer a few roles with this indie film project from Rivervision Investment Group: lead actor, assisted with lighting, photography, publicity graphics, social network presence. Indomina Releasing … [Read more...]
Q&A: What would I classify an online short film/ awareness video as on my acting resume?
by vancouverfilmschool Question by hayabusa1989: What would I classify an online short film/ awareness video as on my acting resume? I just finished a video that will be broadcasted across youtube and different websites that is a short film and an awareness video. What would I classify this under (film, commercial, etc) Thanks Best answer: Answer by ActorGuru.comYou can classify it as a "short film" or you can also call it an "industrial … [Read more...]
Full film download: Download Among Giants and Facing the Enemy
by iDanSimpson Full film download: Download Among Giants and Facing the Enemy OOne of the reasons why you can get so many sites on the Internet with full films download is because there are plenty of gems out there which you cannot get in your local market. Thanks to the Internet going global you can find lots of places where you can get full films download. So if you have a film of your choice which you cannot get on video or DVD … [Read more...]