Get out: Top Baltimore events Your guide to the week's best arts and entertainment Baltimore Book Festival Every year for the past 15, Baltimore has reaffirmed its nickname as "The city that reads" when thousands of the happily literate flock to Mount Vernon for the free Baltimore Book Festival. The idea is simple: talk books, buy books, meet book authors and otherwise celebrate the abundant pleasures of the printed page ... Read more on … [Read more...]
Is it legal to use a whistling version of a famous tune in your film?Do you still have to pay for it?
Question by brooklinite 09: Is it legal to use a whistling version of a famous tune in your film?Do you still have to pay for it? Hi,I'm an independent filmmaker with no budget in need of your insight.I want to know if It's free to use a famous tune whistling Singing in the Rain in "Clockwork Orange".Thank you! Best answer: Answer by FrostyIt;s the tune that is copyrighted not the version, Thus I would think that any version of … [Read more...]
Digital Photography School Online – 5 Reasons Why You Should Learn Digital Photography Online ?
by vancouverfilmschool Digital Photography School Online - 5 Reasons Why You Should Learn Digital Photography Online ? Digital Photography is a type of photography that utilizes high digital technology to capture images of subjects and thereafter the images are archived, printed out, displayed, stored or manipulated with the use of computer tech. Visit Digital Photography School Online for more information. Would you wish to learn … [Read more...]
Filmmaker Joe Berlinger on Alex Jones Tv 1/4:Berlinger’s Latest Film “Crude”
Alex talks with documentary filmmaker Joe Berlinger, the creator of such films as Paradise Lost, Brother's Keeper, and Some Kind of Monster. Berlinger's latest film is Crude, described by The New York Times as a "forceful, often infuriating story about Big Oil and little people. . Alex talks with documentary filmmaker Joe Berlinger, the creator of such films as Paradise Lost, … [Read more...]
Lastest Digital Filmmaker News
Web fundraising can pay big Some project creators are turning not to deep-pocketed investors but to friends and strangers online. Through websites including Kickstarter and IndieGoGo, people pledge as little as $ 1 in exchange for "I knew them back then" bragging rights and thank-you gifts. Read more on Louisville Courier-Journal Antoine Dodson Meets the Musicians who Made him Famous *After appearing in a local news story in Huntsville, Alabama … [Read more...]
What business major should I take in order to start/become the head of a film production company?
by Fadi Yakoub Question by Jin K: What business major should I take in order to start/become the head of a film production company? I'd like to become a film producer and own my own production company, but where should I start major wise? Best answer: Answer by AJThere are Producing majors, where you learn specifically how to be a producer of films and/or television. If you want something more broad, you can always get a business degree. The … [Read more...]
Have Fun With Your Family at Universal Studios in Florida
by PeterTea Have Fun With Your Family at Universal Studios in Florida Universal Studios Florida opened in 1990. The slogan for the commons Ride the Movies. Each pester in Universal is centered on a standard show released by the studio. This commons is especially prevalent with adults and children who are a bit old for Disney World. There are some rides that are proper for immature guests. The others are better for older kids. If … [Read more...]
MANTIS AND THE CHAMELEON is a motion picture made by the Visual Arts Center 2009 summer Artventure Video Filmmaking classes. Each of the nine Video Filmmaking Classes made a two-minute installment that they produced, directed, performed and edited themselves. What is MANTIS AND THE CHAMELEON? MANTIS AND THE CHAMELEON is a motion picture you will have to see to believe! MANTIS AND THE CHAMELEON is the story of Jack the young genius and his friend … [Read more...]
Toronto’s Bell Lightbox and New York’s Film Center
Toronto’s Bell Lightbox and New York’s Film Center What to make of the new T.I.F.F. Bell Lightbox building, in Toronto, and the Elinor Bunin-Munroe Film Center. Read more on International Herald Tribune … [Read more...]
I am looking for an indepandant production company for a documentary.Suggestion where to start?
Question by say_tay: I am looking for an indepandant production company for a documentary.Suggestion where to start? I want to do a film about lead poisoning. But need to find a production company to help put it together.. Anysuggestions? Best answer: Answer by Pooriayeah . ocean world company. their prof. is documentry movies some spouncered by jeep and etc. the owner is mr johnatan. Add your own answer in the comments! … [Read more...]