WATCH IN HQ! This is the final film that I put together for my production class this semester. Special thanks to all of my cast and crew members (Kelli, I owe you a gagillion fish-sandwiches and Leah I owe you 16 hours of manual labor on your first film)! Academy Award winning director Richard Schmiechen (The Times of Harvey Milk) vividly portrays the life and work of the woman described by the Los Angeles Times as "The … [Read more...]
Digital Video Expo Returns to Pasadena Convention Center Next Week For Three Days of Education, Training, Networking …
Digital Video Expo Returns to Pasadena Convention Center Next Week For Three Days of Education, Training, Networking ... PASADENA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Digital Video Expo comes to Pasadena Conv. Cntr. next week - 9/28-9/30, with educational sessions, filmmaker keynotes, training, networking, screenings, prizes and the latest year on the show floor. Read more on Business Wire Filmmaker creates buzz with documentary Portrait of an artist as a … [Read more...]
Does anyone know of any part time acting and filmmaking classes for high school teens in the five boroughs?
Question by youngboondocks: Does anyone know of any part time acting and filmmaking classes for high school teens in the five boroughs? Best answer: Answer by i like fried chickenthere are tons on craigslist... go to craigslist and click on classes... a huge list will pop up... many improv and such...all levels!! Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! … [Read more...]
Enjoy Short Films of DISH Network
by vancouverfilmschool Enjoy Short Films of DISH Network In the busy schedule of life who has so much of time to enjoy a full length movie every day? But we do feel like watching movies every now and then, don't we? If you are a movie buff with a serious shortage of time, then there is great news for you. You can now watch some great movies that fit right into the leisure time available to you. No, we are not talking about all … [Read more...]
Mel Chin: ‘Fundred’ at George Jackson Academy | Art21 “Exclusive”
Episode #003: Art21-featured artist Mel Chin (Season 1) originated the Fundred Dollar Bill Project to draw attention to and develop solutions for environmentally responsible rebuilding of New Orleans from below the ground up. The artworks—individually created Fundred Dollar Bills made by students—will be collected by an armored truck and delivered to Washington DC, where an even exchange of the value of their art currency for actual funds will be … [Read more...]
Lastest Film Making Class News
Oliver Stone: Our empire is in decline The director talks at length about his "Wall Street" sequel, his Nazi comments and why he loves George W. Bush Read more on Community Calendar Based upon space availability, The Review prints calendar announcements and items for columns, including campus news, newsmakers and others for local organizations and individuals. The deadline is 14 days before the desired publication date, however there … [Read more...]
have you ever took a film making class (college, please)?
by uniondocs Question by Melissa: have you ever took a film making class (college, please)? what kind of things are done in that class? is your own camera required? (I know it could be different for me, but from your experience...) Does it matter what kind of camera you have (I have a small HD palm-corder) and what are your experiences in the class you took? Best answer: Answer by RandomWell i do a screen course at TAFE. We don't use our own … [Read more...]
Screenwriting Your Way To Hollywood
by vernalanemgmt Screenwriting Your Way To Hollywood Throughout filmmaking history screenwriters have used many methods to achieve success in Hollywood. Nora Ephron (When Harry Met Sally, 1989) easily gained access to Hollywood as the daughter of stage and screenwriting team Henry and Phoebe Ephron. Charlie Kaufman (Being John Malkovich, 1999) juggled many jobs and wrote for the T.V. series, "Get a Life," before catching the … [Read more...]
Currey Ingram Academy: “The Path to Success” Currey Ingram Academy's video highlights the benefits of the unique educational approach at their Brentwood, Tennessee K-12 independent day school which helps children with learning differences develop their minds, build their character and achieve success. Welcome to Fulford Academy! Enjoy a brief tour of our school and meet some of our staff and students! We offer preparation programs for English … [Read more...]
Lastest Digital Film Schools News
TEACHER PROFILE: Haggerty's TenBroeck teaches technology and uses technology for learning (WITH VIDEO) Each week, Haggerty Elementary School teacher Jane TenBroeck teaches 30 separate 55-minute classes for almost 500 children, in grades ranging from kindergarten through the fifth grade. Read more on The Belleville View … [Read more...]