This video was produced by students on the 2009 Film Production course and was shortlisted as a finalist in the Brookes Film awards 2009. This film may contain strong language and themes of a sensitive nature. To see the other shortlisted entries please vist the links below: Trapped - Local Produce - Last Breath - Keith in Colour - Double or Nothing - Alice Doesn't - … [Read more...]
Filmmaker Dolan one to watch
Filmmaker Dolan one to watch Filmmaker Xavier Dolan's train is on a fast track hurtling towards excellence. Read more on Jam! Showbiz Filmmaker to screen his comedic look at the global warming debate Randy Olson, a marine biologist-turned-filmmaker who examines scientific topics with a comedic flair, will visit the campus as a Poynter Fellow in Journalism on Wednesday, Sept. 29. Read more on Yale University Office of Public Affairs … [Read more...]
What was the discovery channel documentary that went down in an underground river?
Question by Lee: What was the discovery channel documentary that went down in an underground river? It's a fairly recent documentary, I believe in the past year, and it featured an underground river system either in Mexico or somewhere else in Central America. They showed aerial views of the river mouths, which just looked like little lakes, and then showed divers going down in the water. It was fairly extensive and I want to think it was part … [Read more...]
Patrick Ewald and Epic Pictures Group Active in Thai Productions and Acquisitions!
by wallyg Patrick Ewald and Epic Pictures Group Active in Thai Productions and Acquisitions! Patrick Ewald of Epic Pictures Group has closed a three-picture co-production and co-financing deal with Thai based entity, Film Frame Productions, run by managing director and film director Thanapon Maliwan.The three films from Epic Pictures Group Film Frame Productions and will all be action-driven, English language projects with a … [Read more...]
EOS 5D Mark II new firmware – “I love my friends” in HD by Richard Walch
INFO German/English: Mit der neuen Firmware 2.0.3 greift Canon das Feedback von Fotografen und Filmemachern auf. Die zusätzlichen Bildraten steigern das Videopotenzial der Kamera: 1080p Full-HD-Videos können dann auch mit 24 Bildern pro Sekunde (exakt 23976), aufgezeichnet werden, einer idealen Bildrate für Videos mit echtem Kinoflair. Die Bildrate mit 25 Bildern pro Sekunde unterstützt sowohl die Auflösung 1.920 x 1.080 optimal für PAL … [Read more...]
Sheila Nevins at IFP: “You have to cry out for people to watch documentaries”
Sheila Nevins at IFP: "You have to cry out for people to watch documentaries" Doc day at the ongoing IFP Conference in Manhattan today featured a titan of the doc world today. In front of a packed room of eager documentary filmmakers and industry movers and shakers, HBO Documentary Films' President Sheila Nevins took to the stage at IFP's Independent Film Week for a one-on-one conversation with Thom Powers, of the Toronto Film Festival and the … [Read more...]
Indie filmmaker – what type of computer will work best?
Question by Brett H: Indie filmmaker - what type of computer will work best? Im looking for a computer that has 250-500gig hard drive and I can make a single DVD with the most quality possible. Please help. I would prefer 500gig if possible. Laptops or desktops Best answer: Answer by LizIf the this a serious passion, then here is your serious answer: Now. It's Mac. I … [Read more...]
Digital Movie Making Tips: For Starters and Professionals Alike
by uniondocs Digital Movie Making Tips: For Starters and Professionals Alike Whether it is for a short film of your loved ones or a short film you are creating for your filmmaking course, digital movie making is here to stay and it's not merely a trend. An amateur filmmaking trainee or a professional filmmaker must be wise enough to know what needs to be checked when doing film creation. Here are some basic things to note for both … [Read more...]
Educational Grants & Financial Aid : Getting Grants for Beauty School
Getting grants for beauty school depends on the particular school, as it needs to be approved by the federal government to be eligible for Title IV funds. Look for independent scholarships or school-sponsored scholarships to pay for beauty school with information from an experiencedfinancial aid officer of a university in this free video on education. Expert: Brooke Kramer Contact: Bio: Brooke Kramer is the financial aid officer at … [Read more...]
Director James Kerwin and co-executive producer Sarah Nean Bruce of YESTERDAY WAS A LIE discuss the modern transition into digital film production and distribution. … [Read more...]