The First Frankenstein Film (1910)
Open Culture dug up this wonderful gem from the Internet Archive’s massive film collection. It’s…
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Make more films like Potter, Cameron tells UK film industry
PM suggests film-makers should focus on blockbusters ‘that people want to watch’ and that encourage UK visitors David Cameron has seen the future of British cinema and it is big and bespectacled, bankrolled by Hollywood and sold around the globe. If the UK film industry is to survive and prosper, the prime minister suggested today, it needs to make more films like Harry Potter. Cameron made his …
Read more on Guardian Unlimited
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The McPherson Opera House Company was one of nine Kansas organizations recently awarded a Humanities, Heritage and Short Films grant. The opera house company will receive a $ 10,000 grant to produce Kansas On Film, a ten-part film and discussion series featuring films made in or about Kansas.
Read more on Salina Journal