Two young contract killers (Joseph Ghaleb and Jay Donatelli), who eponymously refer to themselves as the Horsemen, are hired to take out a German scientist (Veronica Grimaldi) in Munich, where a major arms deal will take place between her and an Army General (Peter Malek). Things do not go as planned, however, as one of the Horsemen gets abducted by the General’s people. As the remaining Horseman goes back to get the other, they both discover that their employer, Mr. Baker (Luc Samson), does not pay up as agreed upon earlier. Enraged, they both travel back to see the employer to inquire about their money, but Baker, with an agenda of his own, awaits their arrival with something different in mind… ________________________________________ Any music, soundtracks, and/or musical score used in this film belong completely to their respective companies, owners, artists, or composers. They DO NOT belong to T4H Films, nor to its producers, editors, writers, and other crew. No copyright infringement intended whatsoever. Visit T4H Films’s official website at: Thanks for watching!