who became friends with Rockefeller and interviewed him. NR talks about his family’s plans to microchip everyone as part of a plot to create a fascist one world government.
The technology to microchip exists. RFID chips. They use it in pets. ABC News NYC recently had a story of a man who took one voluntarily to store healthcare info. 13 years ago I heard it announced in FL that they were “thinking of testing them in jails and mental hospitals.” They say it is a tb test in jails, as a ruse. I had a spooky feeling in a jail there about one, and then found out about Carl Sanders, whose website Trumpet Ministries warns people that chips he helped design 30 years ago for the CIA are the “mark of the beast”. He told me they tested them in the Gulf War military.
The new health care bill HR 3300 p. 1001 sneakily mandates microchips. It says within 3 years,