wire pointing in, to keep people in rather than out. A suspicious amtrack railroad car repair location in Beech Grove, IN has the same. The Holy Spirit gave me a “witness” 13 years ago about their being “concentration camps in Indiana”, which had been rumored among Christians for years. Alex Jones has a video on youtube titled 500,000 coffins. It shows plastic coffins stacked in GA near Atlanta airport, waiting to be used, on FEMA –leased property. The official reason for them is supposedly in case of biological disease outbreak, he says. But is that really the purpose? Gunderson Steel is rumored to have gotten contracts to build railroad cars outfitted with shackles, enough for 1,500,000 prisoners. Phil Schneider, who was killed for exposing the New World Order, and had helped build underground bases under Denver Airport and other places, said he saw Gunderson’s railcars.