mothers holding dead babies. This image of the sword confirms the word God gave me in Ezekiel 33 about “the sword is coming”.
Just like Hitler warned us in mein kampf of who he intended to kill, this airport’s murals are warning who they intend to kill thru genocide. The coffins are showing blacks, Indians, Jews & Christians, among others. The Holy Spirit gave me a “witness” about this place. Jesse Ventura also investigates it in his “conspiracy theory” show on the episode 2012. He shows the Masonic capstone, where it says “New World Airport Commission”. They show the underground tunnels, and one of his interviewees says many workers have told him about the tunnels, it being an underground city. Outside there are large areas with barbed wire fences, facing in (to keep people in). The tunnels at DIA have sprinklers in the ceilings, which is weird because they