are concrete tunnels. They must plan on piping in gases or viruses to kill people, like the Nazis did in the showers. That would explain the murals of all the dead people.
Mental Health facilities are another form of concentration camp. They are prisons, not hospitals. Most of them have flags outside that say POW.MIA; symbolic of the fact that they are prisons and death camps. People die in the hospitals from the drugs, which cause brain damage, liver and kidney damage. “mental health” is Orwellian double-speak. It is mental death, not health. Calling them “hospitals” instead of “death camps” is just a way of euphemistically covering up what they’re really doing. What goes on in those places is soul-murder. The purpose of the drugs is mind control. The holy spirit told me it is sorcery. The root of the word pharmacy is pharmakeia in Greek, which translates as