drugs, sorcery. Sorcery is an abomination to God, according to Deut. 18. The doctors & nurses who give out these drugs need to repent. The mental health system is completely unconstitutional and needs to be dismantled. The state mental health laws are all unconstitutional and need to be challenged at the highest level. They violate the 1st amendment for religious freedom (religious experiences are defined as symptoms of mental illness by atheistic dr.s’); the 13th anti-slavery amendment (patients are involuntarily drugged and used as medical guinea pigs-this is involuntary servitude, slavery); the 8th amendment against cruel & unusual punishment (the drugs & other “treatments” are torture); and the 6th and 14th due process amendments. They also violate the U.N. Declaration on Human Rights art. 3
God made me a witness to what goes on in these places and