is opposed to God and Christ. It is the same spirit as Nazism. The New World Order is the Fourth Reich. Pat Robertson wrote a book by that title. Those behind the cabal to create it are David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Zbig Brzezinsky, and the other politicos, European Royalty, world bankers and CEO’s of multinational corporations who are members of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg group and the Trilateral Commission. Dan Estulin has written The True History of the Bildebergers. Those people have an agenda to destroy the sovereignty of the US and replace it with the one world government run by the banking elite, which unfortunately includes bankers like the Rothschilds which have manipulated economic crises and wars for years. One doesn’t read about this conspiracy in the mainstream media because they are part of the cabal-they attend the meetings and agree