occult or use drugs or alcohol give the devil an opening for demonic oppression or possession, which causes mental illness. They need to repent of it to be healed. Psych meds cause mental illness; they don’t cure it, for the same reason. All the shooters at schools like Columbine were being treated with mental health drugs, which made them homicidal and suicidal. The drug handbooks warn that anti-psychotic drugs can cause psychosis. I heard a prophetic warning a while back that those who harm us would be “those who would heal you”. This was a warning about the mental health system, through the drugs, and the vaccines which are designed to sterilize, sicken and kill. Psychiatry, through its atheism, is a dead end. The psychiatrist at Ft Hood who shot people was like a prophetic warning; the psychiatrists who use drugs (most of them) are just as deadly. Some of them, like Peter