remove…individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism and religious dogma.” 1948 the 3rd int’l congress of Mental Hygiene says “principles of mental health cannot be successfully furthered in any society unless there is progressive acceptance of world citizenship.” In l948 the National Insti. Of Mental Health was founded. Jim Keith’s book Mass Control says CIA mind control experiment MKULTRA director dr. Robert Hanna Felix was director of psychiatric research for the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, and Dir. of the National Instit. Of Mental Health. So Sat–ists, through masonry, were running the mental health system. Nazism has been working all along, covertly through psychiatry.
The New World Order agenda has been working through mental health and also education, to program children to be world citizens. G. Brock Chisholm, a psychiatrist, was