We cannot afford to be ignorant of God’s word -the bible. Isaiah ch 53 talks about the messiah and it so obviously refers to Jesus that they don’t include it in the yearly readings in synagogues. This is lying by omission on the part of the rabbis. Hence, Jews have been ignorant of the prophecies describing the Jewish messiah, Jesus, or Yeshua which means salvation in Hebrew. It says “He was wounded for our transgressions..my righteous servant shall justify many for he shall bear their iniquities.” The rabbis, when asked, argue that the passage refers to the Jewish people, not one man. But the line “for the transgressions of My people he was stricken” prove otherwise. Whenever, in other scriptures, God refers to My people, he means the Jews, not the whole world. So to be consistent, he is saying that one man was the atonement for His people, the Jews.