shall say unto this mountain, be removed, and it shall be removed. Nothing shall be impossible unto you.” Mathew 17 Travelling supernaturally by the spirit of God happened to Phillip in the Book of Acts ch 8 (NT) and Ezekiel ch 3 (OT).
The New Testament says that gentile Christians are spiritual Jews, grafted into God’s people. They have a right to go to Israel too.
The MOST IMPORTANT THING to realize about all of this negative information is that it shows how critical it is to each of us to have an ongoing relationship with God, so that He can guide us and warn us and protect us. We need to hear him speaking to us and telling us where to go and where not to go. There are times He will protect us no matter what is going on around us, (Psalm 91); there are also times he will tell us to go somewhere else. When he brought judgment on Sodom