www.thepowerofdyslexia.com This video is about Dyslexia, Famous Dyslexics. The Power Of Dyslexia video is to create awareness of a educational and collaborative community the power of dyslexia .com The Power Of dyslexia is dedicated to serving the dyslexic community by providing a Free online community where dyslexics and those touched by dyslexia can post questions, provide advise and chat with other community members. Famous People with Dyslexia Albert Einstein is one of the most well know and respected scientists. Tom Cruise is one of the top five movie starts of all time Charles Schwab heads one of the largest investment firms John Chambers CEO of Cisco Systems, Inc. Henry Winkler from the hit show happy days Vince Vaughn is one of Hollywood’s biggest names in comedy Jay Leno host of the tonight show Muhammad Ali is one of the greatest fighters of all time Thomas Edison is one of the most prolific inventers of all time Paul Orfalea is the founder of Kinko’s Salma Hayek is a Mexican actress, director, and television and film producer Whoopi Goldberg is a great American Actress and Comedian Orlando Bloom is a famous English actor Richard Branson founder of virgin enterprises Henry Ford was the inventor of the modern day assembly line Winston Churchill is one of the greatest leaders in all of history General George Patton one of the most popular American military generals
But, What Do I Know? (4/29/10) River, Scooter & Andy highlight three very good YouTube channels: Soar Of The Conchords, Pistol Shrimps & Freddie Wong. [INTRO] Special guest: Andy Dunscombe www.youtube.com [YOUTUBE AWARDS SHOW] Help us pick a name for our YT exclusive Awards Show: (1) The Wokkies (stirfryTV) (2) The Take Out Awards (baoboych) (3) The YouTubiez (metallikatz) (4) WOKSTARS (Amysass7) (5) You WOK Awards (clarita314) (6) Other: ______ [CHANNEL RECOMMENDATIONS] SoarOfTheConchords (Alex – Fullteron, CA) www.youtube.com (Discovered from alwaystextback’s Cool Box) Cash Cash – “Party In Your Bedroom” www.youtube.com PistolShrimps (Parody) www.youtube.com (Recommended by goombari & mrbillsharpe) Brokeback Hogwarts www.youtube.com freddiew (Freddie Wong) www.youtube.com A film producer/director who makes awesome shorts on YT with great special effects Rocking Out On a Moving Car www.youtube.com Looping Again (collab with MGM) www.youtube.com [VIEWER COMMENTS] www.youtube.com – Charlie’s Angels www.youtube.com – Soon you’ll be too popular… www.youtube.com – where do you get the funds? [COOL BOX SHOUT OUTS] Add us to your Cool Box “Other Channels” and we’ll give you a shout out. It’s one way to get noticed by us because we check out your channels. [SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS] ♨ stirfryTV (primary channel): www.youtube.com ♨ stirfryTV (second channel): www.youtube.com ♨ But, What Do I Know? (playlist): tinyurl.com ♨ YouTube Spotlight (playlist): tinyurl.com ♨ Follow us on …