“Thirst for Power” Directed by Thorold Dickinson Writing credits Alexander Pushkin (short story “Pikovaya dama”) Rodney Ackland writer Arthur Boys writer CAST: Anton Walbrook … Capt. Herman Suvorin Edith Evans… The Old Countess Ranevskaya Yvonne Mitchell… Lizaveta Ivanova Ronald Howard… Andrei Mary Jerrold… Old Varvarushka Anthony Dawson… Fyodor Miles Malleson… Tchybukin Michael Medwin… Hovaisky Athene Seyler… Princess Ivashin Ivor Barnard… Bookseller Maroussia Dimitrevitch… Gypsy singer Violette Elvin… Gypsy dancer Pauline Tennant… Young countess Jacqueline Clarke… Milliner’s assistant Josef Ramart… Countess’ lover (as Yusef Ramart) Valentine Dyall… St. Germain’s messenger Gordon Begg… Gen. Volcholnikov Gibb McLaughlin… Bird seller Drusilla Wills… Countess’ old servant Aubrey Mallalieu… Fedya George Woodbridge… Vassili Pauline Jameson… Anyutka Hay Petrie… Herman’s servant Brown Derby… The Countess’ footman Geoffrey Dunn… Hairdresser Ian Colin… Officer in the gaming room Clement McCallin… Officer in the gaming room John Howard… Officer in the gaming room Aubrey Woods… Officer in the gaming room David Paltenghi… Officer in the gaming room rest of cast listed alphabetically: Leonard Boucher… Officer in the gaming room (uncredited) Elwyn Brook-Jones… Officer in the gaming room (uncredited) Denis Carey… Dancer (uncredited) Joan Miller… Woman in Bookshop (uncredited) Michael Ward… Officer in the gaming room …
Video Rating: 5 / 5