Question by Jim Lamb: The secrets of the pyramids revealed-beyond atlantis video?
A few years ago I partially viewed a documentary type show on the pyramids, Atlantis and God’s story written in the stars. I think the name of it was ‘The secrets of the pyramids revealed–Beyond Atlantis’. May not be the exact name but pretty sure that’s close. It was done by a midwestern production company, I think, and was shown on one of the cable channels on Sky Angel TV. I have tried to locate it on the internet or Sky Angel without success. Any good source there for this video?
Has been about 3 or 4 years ago. Contacted the network then and have since lost that info due to a hardrive crash. No one there now seems to remember and I don’t remember the station that aired it.
Best answer:
Answer by !!I love diversity!!
Why don’t you go to their website or phone them if google didnt work
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