This short film was shot by Hong Kong youth aged 17 to 22 as part of a Focus On Film program entirely funded by The Women’s Foundation. The program was aimed at raising issues of gender stereotyping with young people. For six months, three groups of young people were taught film making and guided in producing their own film from A to Z. Concept, story, preproduction, production and post production were entirely taken on by the students who had no prior experience in any of the roles given to them. The Women’s Foundation lead workshops in gender stereotyping and the students were encouraged to film their response with a story of their own making. The only parameter was that they produce a short documentary. Other groups produced a narrative and the third group produced an experimental work. “Breaking It Or Not’ is the story of Wee wee, a trans gender who shares her thoughts on gender and prejudice and makeup. Producer: Focus On Film Sponsor: Women’s Foundation: Program: “Breaking It Or Not” Group: C (17 to 22) Genre: Documentary
Video Rating: 4 / 5

This documentary, shot by teens on program with Focus On Film, explores the topics of gender and sexuality. Focus On Film is a non profit initiative developed in order to bring the tools of film making to young people who would not otherwise have access to them. The “A Girl’s Life” program was funded by The Women’s Foundation and represents one of the many programs developed by Focus On Film to give young people a voice on pressing and socially relevant issues. Focus On Film: empowering youth creatively