Question by Hello K: There was a Documentary that foretold outcome of New Orleans being affected by a huricane?
Documentary that foretold outcome of New Orleans being affected by a huricane?
I heard there was a documentary that foretold the disasters of New Orleans being affected by a hurricane a couple of years before Katricana.
It predicted the disasters with the levis breaking.
Anyone know which one it was?
Best answer:
Answer by NOLA guy
You are probably thinking of the 2002 National Public Television program:
There were many programs and articles predicting disaster, but none of them predicted what actually happened:
What actually happened was the federal government diverted money from the New Orleans levee system in the 1990s (Clinton administration) to pay for the Big Dig commuter tunnel under Boston Harbor. They did that because MASS is an “important” state while LA is a “flyover” state. As a result, the parts of the levee system that were re-built in the mid-1990s were negligently built (they LOOKED fine but were not anchored sufficiently due to the missing funding). Those exact parts of the levee system failed in 2005 > without < being over-topped by Katrina, and that was what flooded the city.
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