hit comedy series Everybody Hates Chris as Coach Thurman, and a leading role as chief inspector Stan McQueen on In Plain Sight.
Ben-Victor has also worked on over 50 films alongside Hollywood’s best such as Brad Pitt, Sean Penn, Al Pacino, Philip Seymour Hoffman, John Travolta, Christopher Walken, Clint Eastwood, Tony Scott, Quentin Tarantino and many more.
“We are very excited to be hosting Paul Ben-Victor’s first-ever classroom session, and having someone of this caliber is a testament to IAFT’s commitment to bringing top-notch, practical education to its students,” said Keith Sensing, Executive Director of IAFT.
Character/Chameleon was first scheduled to be held in November 2009, but was postponed due to a change in Ben-Victor’s filming schedule. This much anticipated workshop is now back by popular demand, and IAFT advises interested