Presented in 2.39:1 1080p, Revenge of the Fallen is a pristine, reference quality transfer that grabs your jaw and pulls it to the floor for you. I watched this on standard definition DVD recently and I hadn’t truly realized just how incredible Blu-ray is until I compared the two. How gorgeous the robots look on such a beautiful transfer is a true testament to ILM’s amazing level of talent. It’s a rather fine test of the eye to see a difference between the actual cars and their robot counterparts.
In the desert scenes you can pinpoint every pore of the sediment in the mud houses. You can count the threads of grain in the wooden planks. You can make out each gear and wire inside even the smallest Insecticon. Black levels are inky. Colors are warmly saturated. Contrast is pure and strong. Film grain is healthy but subtle. If you thought the original