TRUE LIVES is a series from American Documentary, Inc., producer of PBS’s acclaimed independent documentary series POV. The series revisits classic films from the POV archive, as well as important documentaries never aired on public television, providing evergreen award-winning programs to the public television system. During the four years of shooting this teen chronicle in South Philadelphia, Raelene tackles parenting, Anna struggles with sexuality, De’Yona grapples with loss and Lisa wrestles with relationships. Filmmakers Jane C. Wagner and Tina DiFeliciantonio render a longitudinal portrait that celebrates the fragility, power and drama of adolescence with uncommon patience and respect. A rare and disarming peek into the very real lives of teenage girls, GIRLS LIKE US (POV 1997) provides access to the seldom heard voices of young women working to shape their identities in the 1990s. The fourth installment of TRUE LIVES will be distributed by the National Educational Telecommunications Association (NETA) in 2011. Check local listings at www.truelives.org