Two Walks is a co-production of the Coalition for Jewish Learning’s Young Jewish Filmmakers’ Project and docUWM, a division of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Fine Arts Film Department. Financed by a grant from the Helen Bader Foundation, this project allowed teens to be mentored by graduate students in the production of a short film that explored how Jewish identity and the Holocaust experience obligated them to respond to the genocide in Darfur. Two Walks juxtaposes the Milwaukee Jewish community’s Walk for Israel against a youth walk for Darfur organized by two of the seven teen filmmakers.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Canada Vignettes – The Horse This illustrates a time in North American history when the horse provided man with unprecedented mobility and how the arrival of the iron horse brought an end to this era. Production Agency: National Film Board of Canada Production Year 1978 Canada Vignettes: Compilation Reel 1
Video Rating: 4 / 5