The real trailer for the short film Undocumented, which follows the story of a college student named Joel. Joel feels that he was given a bad hand of cards by not being born in America, but rather in Mexico, as he faces his belief of bad luck and misfortune. Through his life and current situations, he struggles to earn an education, help support his family financially, and take care of his younger brother, Emilio. All while hiding as an undocumented citizen in Los Angeles. His fate is contradicted when he meets a fellow student named Rosa, a quiet girl from Mexico continuing her education abroad in America, on her privileged fathers wishes. Her ideals about life and family prove to Joel that he doesnt have to look far for his own personal American dream. After a run in by the ICE at work, Joels appreciation and courage declines before he receives a letter from the USCIS Citizenship and Immigration Services, that could change the course of his life as he knows it. Produced by Erikaceae Pearsons Directed by Arturo Morales Written by Jacob Vera Erikaceae Pearsons Arturo Morales Production Managers Luis Mesa Dana Reik Director of Photography Michael Welsh Editor Marco Businaro Sound Editor Erikaceae Pearsons Sound Recorder Jeff Pollard 1st Cinematographer Ben Iker
Video Rating: 4 / 5