work with the actors. One time I was on a roof looking at a scene. I didn’t like the way the blocking was playing out, so I walkied the 1st A.D. some directions to pass along to the actors. That’s as far as I felt comfortable having people work with talent.
It’s your set and you should be the only one to yell CUT! I had an actor once in the middle of the take turn to the camera and say cut because they flubbed a line. It wasn’t their call, it’s not anyones call but the director. They were warned and when it happened again they were released from the movie.
The director is the driving force behind a movie. Nobody is going to care as much about your movie as you do. You have to keep everyone pumped up and on track to finish a movie. You want your passion for what you’re shooting as a director to be contagious on the set.